
  • 网络black music;soul;Negro music;Soul music
  1. 音乐电视(MTV)是乡村音乐和黑人音乐模仿者;

    Music Television ( MTV ) and its coun-try music and soul music imitators ;

  2. 克雷格曾赢得两项MTV欧洲大奖,三项IvorNovello音乐大奖,四项英国黑人音乐奖(MOBOAwards),还得到了12项全英音乐奖(BRITAwards)提名和两项格莱美奖提名。

    Craig has won two MTV Europe Awards , three Ivor Novello Awards and four MOBO Awards and also been nominated for twelve BRIT Awards and two Grammys .

  3. 黑人音乐与美国非裔族群的自我表达

    The Black Music and the Self-expression of African - American Groups

  4. 它来源于美国黑人音乐。

    It comes from the American black music .

  5. 他们的美国黑人音乐也声名远扬。

    These Africans brought their music with them .

  6. 哦,就是那种人人都谈论的黑人音乐?

    Oh . so , is this that Negro music that everybody 's talking about ?

  7. 美国黑人音乐,分为宗教崇拜音乐及世俗民间音乐。

    Afro-American music is divided into music of religious adoration and music of common customs .

  8. 这种音乐要保留美国黑人音乐的原有传统,但节奏要欢快,以表达他们对新得到的自由的庆祝。

    One that would preserve their musical traditions but be fast and happy to express their new-found freedom .

  9. 现代流行歌星——更确切地说,是白人流行歌星——大都是模仿黑人音乐起家的。

    Modern pop stars - white pop stars , that is - mainly get there by emulating black music .

  10. 除了他家庭的影响外,早期对门罗有影响的是一个黑人音乐人阿诺德.舒茨。

    Aside from his musical family , one of Monroe 's early influences was a black musician , Arnold Schultz .

  11. 这种变化发生于1966-1967年间,这之前布鲁斯一直是黑人音乐的基本表现形式。

    The transformation took place in 1966-1967 . Up to that time , the blues had been an essentially black medium .

  12. 然而,由于说唱俚语是一种融合了黑人音乐文化的新兴语言变体,前人对它的研究寥寥无几。

    However , little research has been done in the field of this jumped-up language variety for its special combination with the black music culture .

  13. 因此黑人音乐是饱受流离失所、文化异化和支离破碎之苦的美国黑人疗治他们受伤心灵的金玉良方。

    Therefore , Black music is the source for the culturally displaced , alienated and fragmented Black Americans to heal themselves of their wounded psyche .

  14. 非洲黑人音乐文化在欧洲音乐文化的阴影和夹缝中顽强地生根、发芽,直至放出绚丽的光彩。

    It was taking root , sprouting in the shade and crack of the European music cultures , and finally it spread the beautiful lights .

  15. 正是从黑人音乐和黑人民间传说中吸取的力量和勇气帮助他克服了前进道路上的困难和挫折。

    It is the strength and courage he absorbs from the black music and black folktales that help him overcome the confusion and frustration during his life-journey .

  16. 除此之外,双方还将引进美国黑人音乐和影视娱乐产品,并在国内推广美国黑人餐饮文化。

    In addition , the strategic partnership will also introduce African-American music and film and TV entertainment products to China ; as well as uniquely African-American culinary culture .

  17. 是将美国黑人音乐、民间音乐及通俗音乐融进钢琴艺术的一次非常成功的具有开创性的尝试。

    It is aninitiative and successful attempt to blend the American music of the Black people , folk music , and pop music into the art of the piano .

  18. 本文力图对休斯基于黑人音乐的诗歌创新的思想文化根源、表现形式及其意义和影响进行探讨。

    This essay attempts to probe into different aspects such as the ideo cultural causes , the means , and the significance and influence of Hughes 's poetical innovations based on American black music .

  19. 你自然会看到在约翰逊和图派克•沙克的生活之间有某种联系,更不用说在黑人音乐形式的革新者埃尔维斯和阿姆的主流炒作之间有着并不难以解释的联系。

    Naturally , you see a connection between the lives of Johnson and Tupac Shakur , not to mention a not-so-funny link between the mainstream hyping of Elvis and Eminem as innovators of black music forms .

  20. 我们刚刚在排练一些黑人的音乐。

    We were just running over a little thing from harlem .

  21. 美国黑人福音音乐发展渊源和宗教世俗双重性

    American Black Gospel Music : Its Roots and Its Religious and Secular Characteristics

  22. 直到那个时候,布鲁斯一直是黑人的音乐表达方式。

    Up to that time , the blues had been an essentially black medium .

  23. 为什么美国黑人爵士音乐作曲家把他们的歌曲叫“蓝色”幽怨曲呢?

    And why did the black American composers of sad jazz music call their songs " blues "?

  24. 杰克逊打破了该频道暗地里的肤色歧视,为嘻哈音乐等黑人流行音乐形式的兴起奠定了基石。

    By breaking its informal colour bar , Jackson laid the foundations for the rise of black pop forms such as hip-hop .

  25. 本论文采用新历史主义的这种分析方法,把兰斯顿·休斯的诗歌和黑人民族音乐布鲁斯对照分析。

    In light of this method , this thesis analyzes Hughes ' blues poems against the national music of black Americans , the blues .

  26. 其次,对贯穿于这部作品的具有黑人民间音乐特点的节奏以及在此基础上形成的钢琴织体进行了剖析。

    Secondly , the article analysized the rhythm of American ? s folk music of the black people and the piano texture based on these rhythms .

  27. 他的人生中颇具讽刺意味、且令人不安的一件事就是,他是推动主流听众接受黑人流行音乐的中坚力量,而他自己的肤色却诡异地越来越白。

    It is one of the troubling ironies of his life that he was fundamental in promoting mainstream acceptance of black pop even as his own skin shade grew strangely whiter .

  28. 猫王为一种南方黑人的音乐风格赋予了一张白人的面孔和青春期少男的阴郁神情,从而在婴儿潮一代心中留下了不可磨灭的印记。

    Elvis made his indelible mark on baby boomer consciousness by putting a white face and an adolescent pout on a style of black Southern music that had been around a long time .

  29. 黑人传统音乐因素对莫里森小说创作产生了深刻影响,她把代表非洲文化的黑人音乐运用到创作中,将音乐作为一种叙述策略,表达了对黑人种族命运及其文化地位的强烈关注。

    The Black traditional music elements influenced Toni Morrison 's writings . Morrison used these elements as a kind of narrative strategies and expressed her strong attention to the fates of the Black nation and its culture .

  30. 在许多黑人看来,音乐同样暴露了她不是一个合格的“黑人”。她没有展现黑人的暴怒,也很少像其教母安蒂娜•雷(AuntieRee)和堂姐狄昂(CousinDionne)那样展示福音歌的灵魂深度。

    It also proved , to many blacks , that she was not black enough , showing none of their fury and very little of the soulful gospel depths of Auntie Ree and Cousin Dionne .