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  • 网络THE BLACK CROWES;black crow
  1. 他非常害怕黑乌鸦。

    He is deathly afraid of black crows

  2. 黑乌鸦和白天鹅是对好朋友。

    The black crow and the white swan are good friends .

  3. 但他原本不过是个穷黑乌鸦。

    But once he was just a poor black crow .

  4. 物种特征:大尺寸(66厘米)宽黑乌鸦。

    Species characteristics : large size ( 66 cm ) wide black crow .

  5. 在一只黑乌鸦的眼里,它自己的小雏鸦是白色的。

    To the raven her own chick is white .

  6. 穿行着不安思绪的黑乌鸦;

    The ravens of unresting thought ;

  7. 黑乌鸦在灵魂炼金术伟大工作的开头表现为大乌鸦。

    The Black Crow sometimes also the Raven is the beginning of the great work of soul alchemy .

  8. 所以我情妇的头发黑如乌鸦,

    Therefore my mistress ' brows are raven black ,

  9. 他的头像至精的金子。他的头发厚密累垂,黑如乌鸦。

    His head is as the most fine gold , his locks are bushy , and black as a raven .

  10. “里面有生命的东西都在啾!啾!啾!”大黑渡鸦和乌鸦飞过白雪。

    the black ravens and crows flew on over the white snow .