- 网络cohesion;cohesive force;kPa

With fill-age developing , friction angle of MSW increase monotonously , but cohesion force of it first increases and then decreases .
After freezing and thawing , the cohesion decreases , and the internal friction angle increases .
Effect of cohesion on evaluating slope stability factor of safety by DDA method
Three crack extension resistance theories for describing concrete fracture toughening phenomena are summarized , and based on the concept of crack cohesive force , a new analytical extension resistance model , named GR model , is proposed for investigating the resistance variation with crack propagation during fracturing in concrete .
The correlativity coefficient is over 0.947 , and the average value is 0.973 53 .
The reduction extent of cohesion is bigger than angle of internal friction after unloading confining pressure .
The cohesion and internal friction angle increase with the increase of compaction under the same water content .
Finally , the effect of the diameter on the cohesion and internal friction angle of coal samples is investigated .
Vetiver grass is found to increase adhesion and internal friction angle , enhance shear strength and improve soil stability .
The resistant SIF of cohesive force has relationship with the values of length of cohesive crack and ultimate tension stress .
Soil is evidently compressed during the penetration into pile , whereas reduced cohesion is measured probably due to the disturbance .
The test results show that the porosity and hydraulic conductivity of lime soil decrease and the cohesion strength increases with increasing of lime content .
The cohesion and angle of internal friction of rock reduce considerably after unloading confining pressure ; the reduction is more obvious especially with water pressure .
It was shown that cohesion of strip geomembrane was increased , internal frictional angle was reduced , while both of lump geomembrane were increased considerately .
Parent material of Suining group is easy eroded , and the erosion material is of poor cohesion and structure and even easier being eroded by runoff .
The following research results are obtained : the top coal caving technique and increasing the resistance of the support can reduce the pressure on the coal wall .
Under conditions of different values of constant suctions , the effective friction angle is approximate a constant , and cohesion coefficient versus suction relationship is approximately linear .
The greater the water content is , the greater the volume increase , and the greater the decreasing degree of loess sample ? s density and cohesion are .
The research results provide the reference value for the choice of the cohesion and internal friction angle of rock samples in the process of geo-engineering design and numerical simulation .
The greater the soil strength is , the higher the stability of slopes is ; but the friction of soils is more sensitive to safety factor than cohesion of soils .
Based on the limit equilibrium theory and the hypothesis of planar sliding surface , a formula for calculating the angle of shear failure was deduced considering cohesion and cut slope angle .
The results show that envelop of solid waste can be simulated by double lines , and that the cohesion and friction angle are dependent upon whether or not the solid waste is rolled .
With the repeatedly freezing-thawing cycles , the cohesion of low density clay increases , but the cohesion of high density clay decreases , and the internal friction angle of the clay changes little .
When the sample is at the stage of grinding damage , the axial force and torque are related to the Young ? s modulus , cohesion and internal friction angle except the compression strength .
The result shows that the impact velocity of initial yield is very small for the soil , and the cohesion has an obvious influence on it while the internal friction angle does relatively small .
When the volume of ice is larger than its expansion in the loess free space , the volume of loess increases a little ; and the density and cohesion decrease because the water in loess frost heaves .
The results show that the cohesion of the simple shear test is lower than that of the direct test by up to 20.3 % ; and the internal friction angel of the simple shear is 5 ° lower than that of the direct shear .
Experimental data shows that mechanical properties of soil-structure contact surface , such as shear strength , cohesion force and friction angle , closely depend on structure material and soil water content . This experimental research provides the good foundation for engineers to determine calculating parameters for engineering design .
The effects on the active earth pressure of the retaining wall and various parameters of the soil backfill with curved sliding surface are analyzed , revealing the the cohesion and internal friction angle of the backfill are the key factors determining the value of active force . 4 .
Extreme type I isn ′ t equal to be probability distribution of cohesion and internal friction angle of clinosol and residual cohesive soil surrounding rock .