
  • 网络riccati equation
  1. 本文基于代数黎卡提方程提出一种仿射非线性系统H∞控制律,它能同时保证系统鲁棒稳定及干扰衰减。

    Based on algebraic Riccati equation , this paper presents a H ∞ controller of affine nonlinear system .

  2. 一类奇异H∞控制问题可以利用系统矩阵的结构特征通过线性矩阵不等式或2代数黎卡提方程方法直接显式构造得到降阶控制器。

    The structure character of system transfer matrices can be used to solve a class of singular H ∞ control problem and a reduced order H ∞ controller can be constructed in explicit form either by linear matrix inequations method or two algebra Riccati equation method .

  3. 基于代数黎卡提方程的H∞控制器及在气动系统中的应用

    H ∞ controller and its application to pneumatic systems

  4. 设计了基于状态相关黎卡提方程(SDRE)方法的控制器,控制增益与系统状态相关,计算复杂程度较高,但控制效果好。

    A state dependent Riccati equation ( SDRE ) based controller was designed , and the controller ′ s gain relates to the state , which results in complexity in computing but good effects of control .

  5. 自适应遗传算法及其在求解黎卡提方程中的应用

    The Adaptive Genetic Algorithm and Its Application to the Riccati Equation

  6. 故障系统控制律重构的代数黎卡提方程方法

    An Algebraic Riccati Equation Approach to Restructurable Control for Failed Systems

  7. 代数黎卡提方程的求解与辛子空间迭代法

    The solution of algebraic Riccati equation and symplectic subspace iteration method

  8. 空间曲线存在定理与黎卡提方程

    The Existence Theorem of Space Curves and Riccati Equation

  9. 黎卡提方程组的亚纯函数解及流动极点的存在性

    Existence of Meromorphic Solutions and Movable Poles of a System of Riccati Equations

  10. 两类代数黎卡提方程数值解法的研究进展

    Study Progress of Numerical Methods for Solutions of Two Classes of Algebraic Riccati Equations

  11. 黎卡提方程与二维线性微分系统

    Riccati equations and two-dimensional linear differential systems

  12. 黎卡提方程可积的三个充分条件

    Three Integrable Sufficient Conditions of Riccati Equation

  13. 本文对不能直接用初等积分法求解的黎卡提方程给出了可积的三个充分条件。

    This paper gives three integrable sufficient conditions under which Riccati equation can not be solved directly with elementary integration .

  14. 分析了最优多尺度估计算法的误差协方差特性,研究了误差的动态方程和黎卡提方程的稳定性和渐近稳定性。

    The properties of error covariance for optimal multiscale estimation algorithm , and the stability and asymptotic behavior of the error dynamics and Riccati equation are analyzed .

  15. 本文通过对于具有待定系数的黎卡提方程的研究,导出了二阶线性微分方程的三个新的振动准则。

    In this paper , three new oscillation criteria for second order linear differential equations are given by studying the Riccati equation with coefficients which are suitably chosen .

  16. 在考虑记录介质吸收的情况下,通过适当的变换,将耦合波理论中由两个线性微分方程构成的微分方程组耦合波方程,化为一个变系数非线性微分方程黎卡提方程。

    Taking account of the light absorption of recording medium the coupled wave equation consisting of two linear differential equations was transformed to a nonlinear differential equation-Riccati equation .

  17. 离散滑模控制的滑模面是以标称系统为基础,由最优二次型价值函数求解黎卡提方程确定。

    The design objective of the discrete sliding mode surface is determinated by the quadratic optimal cost function and solved from the algebraic Riccati equation based on the nominal system .

  18. 本文继续对部分系数恒为零的多项式系数的一类黎卡提方程组,论证了它的解具有某类流动极点的充分条件。

    This paper presents a kind of system of Riccati Equations with polynomial coefficients in which some parts equal to zero and we obtain the sufficient condition for its solution with movable poles .

  19. 本文对由系数为多项式的较为一般的黎卡提方程组,论述了它具有亚纯函数解的充分条件,指出了它具有某类流动极点的必要形式。

    This paper discusses the general system of Riccati Equations in which coefficients are polynomical , obtains the sufficient condition of existence of its meromorphic solutions , and gives its necessary form with movable pole points .

  20. 然后,引入和研究一类推广的黎卡提方程系统,讨论该方程系统的可解性并由该方程的解得到带有随机跳跃干扰的线性二次随机最优控制问题最优的线性反馈

    One kind of generalized Riccati equation system is introduced and its solvability is discussed . The linear feedback regulator for the optimal control problem with random jump is given by the solution of the generalized Riccati equation system

  21. 通过李雅普诺夫函数方法检验哈密顿矩阵,以及解代数黎卡提方程或解线性矩阵不等式,决定一个状态反馈控制律,使得当控制饱和发生时系统稳定。

    A state feedback control law is determined via the Lyapunov functional approach , checking the Hamiltonian matrix and solving an algebraic Riccati equation or solving linear matrix inequalities for which the stability of the closed-loop system is guaranteed when control saturation effectively occurs .

  22. 讨论了标准的周期黎卡提微分方程。

    This paper deals with the standard periodic Riccati differential equation .

  23. 在相应哈密顿矩阵本征解的基础上,本文给出了黎卡提微分方程的分析解,对于最优控制以及卡尔曼-布西滤波的黎卡提微分方程分别给出了分析解的公式。

    Based on the eigensolutions of the corresponding Hamiltonian matrix , the analytical solutions of Riccati differential equations , both for the optimal control and for the Kalman - Bucy filter , are proposed in this paper .