
  • 网络Golden Road;THE GOLDEN PATH;Gold Way
  1. 报告预测黄金价格将一路下跌至2014年。

    The report predicted prices for the precious metal would decline well into 2014 .

  2. 外滩老洋房188是一座上海现存不多的临江日式老洋房,地处市中心外滩黄金地段,黄浦路188号A座,建筑共计四层。

    She 's one of the rarest four-storey Japan-style buildings in Shanghai , which is aged and of good district of Shanghai . She 's along the Huangpu river : No.188 A Huangpu Road .

  3. 果然,那位年轻的国王刚坐下不久,地震就袭击了恩德拉族境内,好几百栋的房子损毁,而原来那张黄金宝座也一路撞穿两个夹层楼正中那名愚蠢的统治者,他就像一只小虫般被压得扁扁的。

    Sure enough , as soon as the young king settled his posterior into the new royal seat , an earthquake struck the entire territory of the Ndele , hundreds of homes were destroyed , and the old golden throne came crashing through the two intervening floors directly onto the foolish monarch , squashing him like a bug .

  4. 几年来,无论是国际还是国内,黄金市场需求量一直保持平稳态势,并且多种因素促使黄金价格一路飚升。

    Over the past few years , No matter what domestic or international , the gold market requirement keep steady situation all along , and many factor cause the price ascent .