
The Postmodernism of Huang Biyun
The Imaginary of Urban Identity in Huang Biyun s Fiction ; & The registered unemployment rate in cities and towns should be about 3.5 percent ;
Thereinto , a lot of authors and works hackle and narrate the special state and status of Hongkong . A good many of works from Hung biyun is just describing the search for culture status .
In order to explore and sum up the massive Hongkong consciousness in her works , it labors the novels from the point of view of " lose city ", " distressed city ", " unstable city " and " our city " .
The dissertation compares Huang biyun with Zhang ailing , analyzing the similarities and differences between them , finding out the reasons , and at last get the conclusion that Huang biyuns ' works are the succeeding and exertion of zhang ailings ' .
Explore out the unique intension in the theme of the novels , her novel theme demonstrates diversified characteristics , its theme spirit is full of marks the individual lives resists , it is determined what she points to and always moves towards the death finally .