
  1. “中国央行的政策平衡行动相当微妙,”巴克莱资本(BarclaysCapital)驻香港的黄海洲表示。

    " The PBoC 's policy balancing act is a precarious one ," says Haizhou Huang of Barclays Capital in Hong Kong .

  2. 黄海洲表示:如果你让大量的项目只完工90%,那它们就毫无用处。

    A lot of the projects , if you just leave them 90 per cent finished , they are useless , he said .

  3. 政府不允许香港当地银行以一种有意义的方式将人民币用于投资,黄海洲表示,债券将有助于激发对人民币的需求,并在香港发展出一个流动性更高的市场。

    Hong Kong banks are not allowed to invest their renminbi in a meaningful way , Mr Huang said . Bonds will help generate demand for renminbi and grow a more liquid market in Hong Kong .