
  1. 黄怒波表示,这些阴谋论毫无根据。

    Mr Huang says such conspiracy theories are unfounded .

  2. 登山总指挥、北京大学校友黄怒波说,登顶不是唯一的目标。

    PKU alumnus Huang Nubo , who led the team , said reaching the summit of the mountain was not the only goal .

  3. 他补充说,黄怒波表示他“愿意认真研究这个构想”,但并没有作出任何承诺。

    He added that Mr Huang said he " was willing to seriously look at the idea , " but had made no commitments .

  4. 坐在北京的办公室里,黄怒波表示:我觉得那里太美了,我就喜欢荒无人烟的不毛之地。他周围摆放着登山探险时带回来的各种纪念品。

    Sitting in his Beijing office , surrounded by memorabilia from his mountaineering expeditions , he says : I thought it was so beautiful . I love wild , barren places .

  5. 冰岛拒绝中国最富有企业家黄怒波提出的购买本岛北部300平方公里土地的请求。

    Iceland has rejected a bid by one of China 's wealthiest entrepreneurs , Huang Nubo , to buy a300-sq km block of land on the northern shores of the island .