
  • 网络Huanggang;huanggang city
  1. 现代景园设计探索&鄂黄长江大桥黄冈市大桥公园规划设计

    Planning and Design of E-Huan Yangtse River Bridge Park in Huanggang City

  2. 黄冈市早稻新品种的鉴定结果及综合评价

    New Early Rice Varieties Identification Result and Comprehensive Evaluation of Huanggang City

  3. 黄冈市水资源分析与利用

    Analysis and Utilization of Water Resource of Huanggang , Hubei Province

  4. 黄冈市旅游产业开发定位的思考

    Thought on the Positioning of the Development of Tourism in Huanggang

  5. 行政效率优化研究&以黄冈市为例

    Administrative efficiency optimization & Take Huanggang City as an example

  6. 黄冈市高等师范院校毕业生健身状况的调查分析

    A survey on body-building status quo of teachers graduated from advanced normal institutions

  7. 黄冈市林业科技推广的主要问题及对策

    The Main Problems and Countermeasures of Forestry Science and Technology Extension in Huanggang City

  8. 黄冈市矿业经济布局研究

    Study on Huanggang Mining Industry Economic Distribution

  9. 黄冈市循环经济发展模式及其与发达地区的比较研究

    A Comparative Study on the Recycling Economy Development Models between Huanggang and Other Developed Areas

  10. 黄冈市中小学教师流失的调查研究

    The Investigation Research on the Drainage of Teachers in the Primary and Secondary School in Huanggang

  11. 黄冈市水资源管理现状、问题及可持续利用对策研究

    Huanggang Municipal Management Status in Quo , Problem & Continuously Utilize Countermeasure Study of Water Resource

  12. 黄冈市城区3岁幼儿身高四季增长调查

    Investigation on seasonal growth of height of children aged 3 years old in urban areas of Huanggang city

  13. 关于黄冈市大别山地区旅游业发展的思考&以黄冈市红安县为例

    On the Development of Dabie Mountain Tourism Industry of Huanggang City & Taking Hong'an County as an Example

  14. 农村留守幼儿认知发展问题及教育对策&以湖北省黄冈市8所幼儿园为例

    On the Cognitive Development of Left-behind Children in Rural Areas & take Huanggang City of Hubei Province as a case

  15. 第三,黄冈市农村家庭高等教育消费存在比较严重的非理性消费倾向。

    Third , in the Huanggang City , higher education spending of rural families has the intention be seriously non-rational .

  16. 现阶段,黄冈市应大力做好电子商务的宣传和培训工作。以促进黄冈新型工业化的发展。

    Thus now Huanggang should take propaganda and training work one-commerce to promote the development of new industrialization in Huanggang .

  17. 结论:黄冈市美容行业前景广阔,预计未来五年将以中级与高级人才为主;

    Conclusion : Huanggang beauty industry has a larger prospects , the next five years will be controled mainly by the middle and senior personnel ;

  18. 社会主义新农村建设成效的调查与分析&以湖北黄冈市张塘村为例

    Investigation and Analysis on the Effectiveness in the Construction of New Socialist Countryside & Take Zhang Tong Village in Huanggang City of Hubei Province as an Example

  19. 第二,黄冈市农村家庭高等教育消费需求的目的十分明确,且具有明显的功利性色彩。

    Second , in the Huanggang City , the purpose of higher education consuming of the rural families is very clear and but with obvious goal to gain reward .

  20. 方法:对黄冈市下辖11县市注册美容机构进行问卷调查,并汇总分析近三年美容消费记录。

    Methods : make a questionaire survey to the jurisdiction beauty institutions in11 counties and cities in Huanggang , and pooled analysis of the cosmetology records for the last three years .

  21. 通过分析我们发现,在武汉城市圈中,黄冈市、咸宁市和天门市不适合优先发展工业,因此未来要增强自身经济集聚能力,加快经济发展速度,与武汉城市圈整体发展水平相协调;

    We find that the cities of Huanggang , Xianning and Tianmen are not fit to develop the industry , so they should improve the ability of economy cluster , accelerate the development of economy and be in accordance with the whole development of Wuhan City-Sphere ;

  22. 武汉、黄石、黄冈三地市全民健身现状调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis on the present situations of the fitness for all in wuhan , huangshi , huanggang cities

  23. 而咸宁、黄冈、黄石三市农用地利用主要产生碳蓄积的作用。

    However , the agriculture land uses in regions like Xianning , Huanggang and Huangshi play the main role in carbon sink .