
  • 网络corpus luteum insufficiency;CLI
  1. 还有我是不是不排卵啊,还是黄体不足呢?

    I was not there ovulation ah , luteal or inadequate ?

  2. 在医生确诊后的确是因为你本身黄体不足引起的先兆流产时才可以按量注射。

    After the doctor diagnosed is because you own luteal threatened abortion arising from the inadequacy of the volume of injection can be .

  3. 方法:1.全部资料来源于2009年5月至2010年11月在湖北省中医院妇科门诊就诊的患者,均被确诊为黄体不足性功血,均证属肾气阴两虚型,共60例。

    All the information from May 2009 to November 2010 in Hubei Province Chinese Medicine Hospital gynecology clinic patients were diagnosed with kidney Qi and Yin Deficiency type DUB luteal insufficiency , a total of 60 cases .

  4. 目的:探讨黄体功能不足患者治疗前后子宫内膜雌激素受体(ER)、孕激素受体(PR)的表达,为临床内分泌治疗和预后判断提供理论依据。

    Objective : To study the relationship between endometrium receptor of Estrogen Receptor ( ER ) and Progesterone Receptor ( PR ) in infertile women with Luteal insufficiency .

  5. 正常子宫内膜与黄体功能不足内膜ER、PR检测探讨胆管癌性激素受体的表达及其临床病理学意义

    Study on estrogen . progestin receptors of normal and luteal phase deficiency endometrium The Relation Between the Expression of Estrogen and Progestin Receptors and Pathology Histology of Bile Ducts Carcinoma

  6. 控制性超排卵(COH)在促使多个卵泡发育,以利降低IVF-ET的周期取消率,提高成功率的同时也会引起黄体功能不足,影响雌、孕激素的分泌,降低子宫内膜容受性。

    Controlled ovarian hyperstimulation ( COH ) promotes multiple follicular development that reduce cancellation rate with improvement of the pregnancy rate per cycle , but it may induce luteal insufficiency and inhibit the secretions of estrogen and progesterone , which may result in the impairment of endometrial receptivity as well .

  7. 瘦素在黄体功能不足患者子宫内膜中的表达

    Expression of leptin in the luteal phase defect endometrium

  8. 子宫内膜雌孕激素受体在黄体功能不足患者中的表达

    The expression of endometrium estrogen recepter and progesterone receptor in infertile women with luteal insufficiency

  9. 黄体功能不足不孕患者子宫内膜雌孕激素受体的单克隆抗体免疫组织化学研究

    Immunohistochemical study on estrogen and progesterone receptors in endometrium of infertile women with luteal insufficiency

  10. 交通心肾法对黄体功能不足复发性自然流产的治疗及妊娠结局的评价

    Traffic Heart on Corpus Luteum Insufficiency with Recurrent Spontaneous Abortion and Pregnancy Outcome of Treatment Evaluation

  11. 观察滋肾调冲法治疗黄体功能不足月经失调的临床疗效。

    Fifty-six patients were administrated with Gongxuening ( treating menstrual disturbance ), the representative formula of Zishen Tiaochong method .