
mài yá sān tánɡ
  • maltotriose
  1. 普鲁兰糖(pullulan)是出芽短梗霉在发酵过程中产生的次级代谢产物,是一种由a.(1.6)糖苷键连接麦芽三糖构成的线性分子,也是一种有广阔用途前景的多聚糖。

    Pullulan is a kind of secondary metabolite producing by Aureobasidium pullulans . Pullulan is an unbranched homopolysaccharide which consists of maltotriose units with a - ( 1,6 ) - glucosidic bonds . Pullulan have extensive applying prospect in many fields .

  2. 麦芽三糖的制备与分析

    Preparation and analysis of Maltotriose

  3. 特种酵母生产法,选用能发酵单糖、双糖、麦芽糖等低分子糖和麦芽三糖等大分子糖类的酵母;

    Specific yeast brewing method which could ferment the micromolecular sugars just like monose , diose and maltose and maltotriose etc.