
  • 网络medellin;Medellín
  1. 为了拿到前往哥伦比亚的签证,我们乘大巴返回麦德林。

    To get our Colombian visas we bussed back to Medellin

  2. 进入下一轮的参赛者必须要支付4.3万人民币(约合6200美元)才能够参在加哥伦比亚麦德林举行的决赛。

    Participants hoping to move on to the next round are required to pay a fee of 43000 RMB ( $ 6200 ) to take part in the final in Medellin , Colombia .

  3. 今年6月,安提奥基亚大学(位于麦德林)的数学教授GustavoLoaiza被谋杀了。

    In June , mathematics professor Gustavo Loaiza from the University of Antioquia in Medell í n was murdered .

  4. 警方表示,这些沙佩科恩斯球队的球员正和球队官员、随队记者及其他人一道,前去与哥伦比亚的国民竞技队(AtléticoNacional)举行南美球会杯(CopaSudamericana)足球赛的决赛。飞机在麦德林机场的进场航路上坠毁。

    The Chapecoense players , along with team officials , journalists and others , were on their way to play Colombia 's Atl é tico Nacional in the final of the Copa Sudamericana when the aircraft crashed on its approach to Medell í n airport , said police .

  5. 1993年哥伦比亚的大毒枭帕布鲁·艾斯考巴在麦德林被枪杀。

    1993-Colombian drug lord Pablo Escobar is shot and killed in Medell í n.

  6. 曼努埃尔麦德林,将有关此质量报告。

    Manuel Medell í n , will made a quality report about this .

  7. 这种犯罪或许在麦德林(译者注:哥伦比亚第二大城市)不算什么大事,但是没料想在美国能发生这种事情。

    Such crimes might not be shocking in Medell í n , but they are not supposed to happen in America .

  8. 在本篇小说中有另一个非常重要的人物,那就是罗德瑞克的妹妹,麦德林。

    In the short story there is another important character , that is , Madeline , who is the sister of Roderick .

  9. 载有球员、工作人员、记者及拉米亚航空公司机组人员的2933号航班在离目的地麦德林不远的一处山坡上坠毁。

    Players and staff were flying to Medellin along with journalists and LaMia Airlines crew when Flight 2933 crashed into a mountainside near Medellin , its destination .

  10. 麦德林市前市长塞尔吉奥•法雅尔多作为一个独立选举人参加总统竞选。一份支持他的国会名单只获得了一个议席。

    A parliamentary list backing Sergio Fajardo , a former mayor of Medell í n running for the presidency as an independent , managed to elect only one senator .

  11. 昨天,巴西陷入对75名在哥伦比亚城市麦德林附近一起空难中丧生的人士的哀悼。他们中包括了巴西一支很有前途的球队的大部分球员。

    Brazil went into mourning yesterday over the loss of 75 people , including most of the players of one the country 's up-and-coming football teams , in a plane crash near the Colombian city of Medell í n.

  12. 比如发生在哥伦比亚麦德林一名41岁男子身上的事。2013年他因出现疲劳、发烧和体重下降等症状而接受医生的检查,结果发现他的淋巴结里长满了癌细胞,还转移到了他的肺部和肝部。

    Consider the case of a 41-year-old man in Medellin , Colombia , who was examined by doctors in 2013 because of fatigue , fever and weight loss . His lymph nodes were clogged with cancer cells that had also spread to his lungs and liver .

  13. 该研究将涉及哥伦比亚麦德林地区村庄里的很多家庭,有的家庭成员身患一种罕见的基因失调症,患者有早发型老年痴呆症症状。

    The study will involve members of a large extended family living in villages in the Medellin area in Colombia . Some of the family members have a rare genetic disorder that causes them to get early-onset Alzheimer 's. They begin to show signs of mental loss in their mid-forties and fully develop the disease by their early fifties .