
  • 网络Mcgill;McGill University
  1. 明尼苏达大学和蒙特利尔的麦吉尔大学开展的一项新研究调查了这种减缓发生的区域和程度。

    A new study by the University of Minnesota and McGill University in Montreal looks at where , and how far , this decline is occurring .

  2. 他拥有麦吉尔大学(McGillUniversity)的电气工程学士学位。

    He holds a Bachelors of Electrical Engineering from McGill University .

  3. 他拥有麦吉尔大学计算机工程学士学位和西安大略大学的MBA学位。

    He holds a Computer Engineering degree from McGill University and MBA from University of Western Ontario .

  4. 神经学研究员维诺妮卡·鲍伯特及其在蒙特利尔麦吉尔大学的同伴共同发表了三项关于GPS对人脑影响的研究结果。

    Neurological researcher Veronique Bohbot and her colleagues at Montreal 's McGill University released three studies on the effect GPS has on the human brain .

  5. 在蒙特利尔,QC,麦吉尔大学建筑学士学位课程和研究生课程的学校都认可。

    In Montreal , QC , McGill University 's School of Architecture 's undergraduate program and graduate program 's are all accredited .

  6. 加拿大麦吉尔大学(McGillUniversity)航空航天法研究所(InstituteofAirandSpaceLaw)教授RamJakhu称,印度、中国和日本之间的空间竞赛与美国和苏联之间的空间竞赛不同,因为从某种程度上说前者是为了争夺自然资源。

    Ram Jakhu , a professor at the Institute of Air and Space Law at McGill University in Canada , said the space contest among India , China and Japan was different from the U.S. - Soviet race ,

  7. Alqahtani毕业于蒙特利尔麦吉尔大学(McGillUniversity)医学专业,并在丹佛一家微创手术中心工作过。

    Dr. Alqahtani was trained as a surgeon at McGill University in Montreal and at a minimally invasive surgery center in Denver .

  8. 几年前,他和加拿大卡尔顿大学心理学家MarinaMilyavskaya一起进行了研究。他们监测了加拿大麦吉尔大学的159名学生,为期一周。

    A few years ago , he and Carleton University psychologist Marina Milyavskaya monitored 159 students at McGill University in Canada for a week .

  9. 麦吉尔大学(McGillUniversity)德索泰尔商学院(DesautelsFacultyofManagement)的MBA课程组织者制定了一项政策,“尽可能”用电子版教材替代纸质教材(电子版教材中只包含学员需要使用的章节)。

    MBA course organisers at McGill University 's Desautels Faculty of Management have made a policy of replacing " wherever possible " paper textbooks with electronic versions , which only contain the chapters that will be necessary for the students .

  10. 加拿大麦吉尔大学(McGillUniversity)的神经科学家纳德尔(KarimNader)希望在明年夏天能够请到约50名有创伤后应激障碍的病人参与测试这一药物。

    This summer , Karim Nader , a neuroscientist at McGill University in Canada , hopes to test the drug in about 50 patients suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder .

  11. 另一份研究的领导者是(madhukarpai),来自加拿大,蒙特利尔的麦吉尔大学的流行病学者。

    The leader of the other study was Madhukar pai , an epidemiologist at McGill University in montreal , canada .

  12. 加拿大麦吉尔大学(mcgill)、欧洲工商管理学院法国和新加坡分校管理学教授亨利明茨伯格(henrymintzberg)表示,美国mba课程的教学方法和结构需要改革。

    Henry Mintzberg , management professor at McGill in Canada and INSEAD in France and Singapore , and long-term critic of the traditional US MBA model is typically outspoken , saying the pedagogy and structure of us MBA programmes need to change .

  13. 但是,麦吉尔大学的莫泽指出了一些前景光明的例子,比如厄瓜多尔首都基多(Quito)以北的Yachay,这里被规划为一个科学、学术、经济以及技术研究和创新中心。

    But Ms Moser points to some promising examples , such as Yachay , north of Ecuador 's capital Quito , planned as a centre for scientific , academic , economic and technological research and innovation .

  14. 接着她又发现,麦吉尔大学的大部分课程都要在线上进行。

    Then she found out that McGill was making most of its classes online .

  15. 加拿大高校学评教制度的特色及启示&以麦吉尔大学为例

    Features and Inspirations of the Course Evaluation Systems of Canadian Universities & McGill University as a Case Study

  16. 17岁的麦德琳·麦金托什本来很期待在加拿大的麦吉尔大学学习生理学和政治学。

    Madelyn Mackintosh , 17 , was looking forward to studying physiology and political science at McGill University in Canada .

  17. 同时,麦吉尔大学的研究小组也在探究人的寿命是否有上限。

    Meanwhile , a team from McGill University challenge whether there can be any limit on how long people can live .

  18. 但在蒙特利尔麦吉尔大学的帕特里夏麦金利也知道是什么活动都将享受前辈。

    But Patricia McKinley of McGill University in Montreal also knew that the activity had to be something that seniors would enjoy .

  19. 他就读于加拿大蒙特利尔的麦吉尔大学和美国纽约州的伊萨卡大学,与1977年后的博士学位。

    He studied at McGill University in Montreal and at Cornell University in Ithaca , New York , where he received his PhD in1977 .

  20. 沈阳工业大学工科学士(1995年),美国东伊利诺伊大学工商管理硕士(2000年),加拿大麦吉尔大学金融学博士(2007年)。

    BE , 1995 , Shenyang University of Technology ; MBA , 2000 , Eastern Illinois University ; Ph.D in Finance , 2007 , McGill University .

  21. 为研究人类大脑的这些差异,努南和她在加拿大麦吉尔大学的同事招募了18名参与者展开了一项结构性脑成像研究。

    To investigate these brain differences in humans , Noonan and her colleagues at McGill University , in Canada , recruited 18 participants for a structural brain-imaging study .

  22. 通过对比,加拿大麦吉尔大学的专家们发现,手指长度差不太多的男性更容易善辩,固执和粗鲁。

    By comparison , experts at McGill University in Canada found that men whose digits are of a similar length are more prone to be argumentative , stubborn and rude .

  23. 麦吉尔大学及耶鲁大学的研究人员声称,他们已经找到一种安全的体外受精方法,妇女们再也不用担心带回去的宝宝将幼儿室占满了。

    Researchers at McGill and Yale Universities say they have found a safe way for women to use in-vitro fertilization without running the risk they 'll bring home enough babies to fill a nursery .

  24. 科罗拉多州国家大气研究中心的罗伯茨和加拿大麦吉尔大学的佛伯瑞认为,他们已经知道如何做到这一点了。

    Rita Roberts , of the National Centre for Atmospheric Research , in Colorado , and Frederic Fabry , of McGill University in Canada , think they have found out how to do this .

  25. 地点是麦吉尔大学的唐纳德·赫布试验室,由当时的两名博士后研究生,詹姆斯·奥尔兹和皮特·米尔纳拍摄,他们做什么了?

    And it was taken the lab of Donald Olding Hebb at McGill University by a couple of graduate students , post-doc of that time , James Olds and Peter Milner And what they 've done ?

  26. 默斯科唯茨小姐,麦吉尔大学的一位心理学教授也说道:当与女性在一起时,手指比例小的男性更喜欢仔细倾听,微笑,妥协或恭维他人。

    ' When with women , men with smaller ratios were more likely to listen attentively , smile and laugh , compromise or compliment the other person , ' said Ms Moskowitz , a professor of psychology at McGill University .

  27. 杜马斯称自己在2008年至2012年间曾出入北美诸多一流高校,如耶鲁、布朗、加州大学伯克利分校、斯坦福、麦吉尔大学等等;他像这些学校的正式注册生一样住在学校附近、去上课,参加派对。

    From 2008 to 2012 , Dumas claims he did stints on a number of elite North American universities - Yale , Brown , UC Berkeley , Stanford , and McGill , to name a few - sitting in on classes , attending parties , and living near campus as if he were an enrolled student .