- 名civet cat

Monotypic genus of Madagascar civets closely related to palm civets .
The genet is a small , cat-like animal native to north Africa .
The genet doesn 't seem to be doing it for any particular reason save perhaps the thrill of the ride .
They may have similar names and superb , feline-like agility , but neither meerkats nor civet cats are remotely related to cats .
One of the local genets has apparently taken to riding around on the backs of the large herbivores that it shares its territory with , and no one knows why .
Civets are used around the world not only for their meat but for a musk used to stabilise perfume-which animal rights groups object to-and to produce kopi luwak , also known as civet coffee .
This isn 't the case for one particular genet that 's been spotted in South Africa 's Hluhlwe-iMfolozi Park , not only making some unlikely friends , but going joyriding on his back every night .
The genet doesn 't seem to prefer the company of any one rhino ; it 's been seen riding around on different rhinos and buffaloes alike , and it doesn 't seem to be trying to get anywhere in particular , either .