- antler;deer horn;cornu cervi;abatis

[antler;deer horn] 雄鹿的角。亦指为阻止敌军前进而设置的树枝、荆棘之类的障碍物
But the antler hunting sword has a good quality.The rigidity , tartness and preservation are not bad .
PAGE Identification of Antler Powder in Runing Granules
A stag , chased from his lair1 by the hounds , took refuge in a farmyard , and , entering a stable where a number of oxen were stalled , thrust himself under a pile of hay in a vacant stall , where he lay concealed2 , all but the tips of his horns .
Three-dimensional CT reconstruction for the planning of percutaneous nephrolithotomy in staghorn calculi
Identification of Cornu Cervi by X-ray Diffraction Fourier Pattern
Ultrasonography-guided renal parenchyma incision for patients with staghorn-like renal calculi Carcinoma of kidney mostly destroyed the renal parenchyma .
Treatment of 34 patients with staghorn calculi by pyelolithotomy supplement with PL and fiberendoscope
Method : 32 patients with staghorn calculi were treated with URL and then ESWL .
Forty-five cases of renal staghorn calculi underwent ESWL treatment , 21 of these received double-J catheter placement before ESWL .
A carved antler of Late Palaeolithic collected from Xinglong County , Hebei Province , was measured by accelerator mass spectrometry ( AMS ) radiocarbon dating .
The results of LDH activity , PI staining and quantitative analysis of DNA fragmentation consistently indicated that deer antler base extracts could induce the apoptosis of mature osteoclasts .
Objectives To discuss the clinical effect of ESWL combined with calculusremoved operation on Solitary Antler-like Calculus of Kidney .
Double-J catheter placement before ESWL for the management of patients with renal staghorn calculi Study on the Treatment with ESWL
Objective : To confirm the clinical effect of Lujiao prescription on congestive heart failure ( CHF ) and to elucidate its possible mechanism .
The double " J " tubes were put in previously before using the therapy of ESWL for the patients with big renal staghorn calculi .
The ant looks like it has a horn or antlers growing out of its head . New spores rain down from the fruiting body and infect more ants .
MRNA expression of I-P in model group increased significantly compared with false-operation group ( P < 0 05 ), and in antler group decreased compared with model group ( P < 0 05 ) .
Interestingly , in 1991 , UN agronomist Laurent Chazee photographed a pair of antlers at a traditional medicine shop in Laos .
PCNL has become the gold standard for treatment of staghorn calculi recent years , replaced the open operation gradually .
Objective To investigate the effects of Antler Formula ( ALF ) on the plasma level of atrial natriuretic factor ( ANF ) among cases with congestive heart failure ( CHF ) .
Objective : To confirm the change of plasma atrial natriuretic factor ( ANF ) in the rat with congestive heart failure ( CHF ) and effect of Lujiaofang .
Un Singe en Hiver , covered with wisteria and ivy at No. 6 , features an inner courtyard with old stone crockery , a stone ostrich and antlers in a bowl .
Ang ⅱ of serum and myocardium in model group increased compared with false-operation group ( P < 0 01 ), and in antler group decreased ( P < 0 01 , P < 0 001 ) .
Maan kombu ( " deer horns " ) is named after the weapon 's material , as fakirs and silambam artists eventually began using other kinds of animal horns .
He had beautiful antlers , so he was very happy .
Layered renal parenchyma and pelvis incisions to remove complex staghorn calculi
In situ hypothermia and occlusion of renal artery for staghorn nephrolithotomy
I would like to take those horns to every home .
Sometimes , fighting stags become locked together by their antlers .
The antlers were later identified as Schomburgk 's deer antlers .