• heron;egret
  • 鸟类的一科,翼大尾短,嘴直而尖,颈和腿很长,常见的有“白鹭”(亦称“鹭鸶”)、“苍鹭”、“绿鹭”等:~涛(喻波涛,白浪翻滚如鹭之飞翔)。


{动} (鸟类的一科) egret; heron:

  • 牛背鹭

    cattle egret;

  • 池鹭

    pond heron;

  • 白鹭


  • 苍鹭


  1. 牛背鹭主要取食蜘蛛、蝗虫、蟋蟀和蛙类。

    The food of cattle egret was mostly spider , locust , cricket and frog .

  2. 该白脸鹭混杂于白鹭(Egrettagarzetta)等鹭类群体内,涉水觅食或栖息于岸上。

    This heron mixed with little egrets ( Egretta garzetta ) and other species of egrets or herons , wading and feeding in water or roosting on the islet .

  3. 躺在床上,我们常看到月光映衬下鹭的黑色身影。

    Lying in bed we often see dark shapes of herons silhouetted against the moon .

  4. 科学家们求助于一个名为“eBird”的数据库,观鸟者在数据库记录下观察到的啄木鸟、鹭、鹗等鸟类的信息。

    Scientists turned to a database , known as eBird , where birdwatchers record sightings of everything from woodpeckers to herons , to ospreys .

  5. 虽然就目前来看,零售商业在校园内确实有一定的发展空间,但已经进入XX学校校园的鹭银海超市经营状况距离经营者预期尚有一定的距离。

    Though currently , the retail business at the campus does have some space for development , the operating status did not meet the operator 's expectation after the Luyinhai supermarket entered XX school .

  6. 而卵内容物中3种重金属残留量的种间差异都不显著,Cr残留量种间波动幅度最大,池鹭卵内容物中,Cr含量最高,牛背鹭卵内容物中没有检出;

    Of the three heavy metals , Cr showed the most variation among species , being the highest in eggshell of Chinese pond heron and the lowest in that of cattle egret , but in egg contents , there was no significant difference among species .

  7. 我们把东西方的传统融合在了一起,试图在东方的纪律性和西方的趣味性之间找到平衡的教务主任连鹭役(LuyiLien)解释。

    We bring together both East and West traditions , explains the academic director , Luyi Lien , who tries to balance Eastern discipline with Western fun .

  8. 对白鹭(Egrettagarzetta)和牛背鹭(Bubulcusibis)雏鸟肠蛋白酶进行研究。

    The intestine proteinases taken from nestling of Little Egret ( Egretta garzetta ) and Cattle Egret ( Bubulcus ibis ) were studied .

  9. 处在繁殖季节一只鹭的长羽毛。

    The long plumes of a heron in the breeding season .

  10. 3种鹭骨骼比较形态学研究

    Comparative morphology study of the skeletons of three species of egrets

  11. 欧亚大陆南部和非洲东北部纯种白色有羽冠的琵鹭。

    Pure white crested spoonbill of southern Eurasia and northeastern Africa .

  12. 但每只池鹭一次只能吞噬一只蛙

    but as each heron can swallow only one frogat a time

  13. 福建省兴化湾黑脸琵鹭越冬生态学研究

    Wintering Ecology of Black-faced Spoonbill in Xinhua Bay , Fujian Province

  14. 池鹭繁殖生物学与生态学研究。

    Studies on the breeding biology and ecology of ARDEOLA bacchus .

  15. 小鹭,为甚么刚才叫你你不回答?

    Xiao lu , why you didn 't answer just now ?

  16. 岩鹭卵壳的超微结构及其元素组成

    Ultrastructure and element composition of the egg shells in eastern reef heron

  17. 绿鹭在合肥繁殖属首次记录。

    The Green backed Herons in Hefei is the first breeding record .

  18. 鹭大毕业生就业意识的调查研究

    A Survey of Employment obtaining Consciousness of Vocational College Graduates

  19. 福建省黑脸琵鹭的分布及栖息地现状

    Distribution of Black - faced Spoonbill and Its Habitats in Fujian Province

  20. 长沙池鹭繁殖生态研究

    A study of the breeding ecology of Chinese pond heron in Changsha

  21. 佛罗里达和佛罗里达南部珊瑚岛群的大型白色鹭。

    Large white heron of Florida and the Florida Keys .

  22. 此时,鹭类又搬迁破坏新的鹭林。

    Temporalitily , umbrette destroyed another new forest again .

  23. 但是,一个饥饿的鹭飞下来,吞没了他吃晚饭。

    But a hungry heron flew down and swallowed him up for supper .

  24. 白鹭和牛背鹭肠蛋白酶理化特性的研究

    The Physiochemical Characteristics of Intestine Proteinase Taken from Little Egret and Cattle Egret

  25. 三种鹭血液生理生化指标比较研究

    Determinaton of Biochemical and Physiological Indices in Blood of Three Species of Egrets

  26. 黑脸琵鹭越冬期生态学研究及保护对策

    Ecological Study of Overwintering Black-faced Spoonbill and Conservation Strategy

  27. 构建人鹭和谐的校园文化&以沿海某高校为例

    A Case Study of Harmonious Relationship between Mankind and Egrets in Campus Culture

  28. 照片中的两只蓝鹭正在跳着它们交配前的舞蹈。

    These two blue herons were performing their mating dance before they mated .

  29. 黄河三角洲自然保护区黑脸琵鹭野外调查及其生境分析

    Field Survey on Black-Spoonbill and Its habitat in Yellow River Delta National Nature Reserve

  30. 海南黑脸琵鹭的越冬行为分析

    Wintering behavior of black-faced spoonbill in Hainan Island