
  • 网络Parrot Fish;Parrotfish
  1. 浮潜是惊人,每天看礁鲨,鹦鹉鱼和魟鱼

    Snorkelling was amazing , daily seeing reef sharks , parrot fish and sting rays .

  2. 浮潜很惊奇,每天可以看到礁鲨,鹦鹉鱼和魟鱼。

    Snorkeling was amazing , daily seeing reef sharks , parrot fish and sting rays .

  3. 目前市面上被刻字的鱼多是鹦鹉鱼,因为它刻字后的成活率较高。

    At present , the market was lettering is a parrot fish and more fish , because it is a higher survival rate after lettering .

  4. “文身鱼”的学名叫鹦鹉鱼,是一种在全国各地广泛养殖的淡水热带观赏鱼,价格因颜色有所不同。

    " Tattoo Fish " called the parrot fish , is a widely cultivated throughout tropical freshwater aquarium fish , the prices are different because of color .

  5. 当然,毫不夸张地说,观赏蓝纹笛鲷、刺鳐、鹦鹉鱼、海鳗等海底娱乐项目也是免费赠送。

    Of course the aquatic entertainment-provided by the likes of blue-striped snapper , sting rays , parrot fish and moray eels-is also ( quite literally ) on the house .