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  • Celosia;coxcomb;cock's comb (flower), cockscomb
  1. 结论鸡冠花具有明显止血作用,其止血机制与其所含的丰富营养素Ca2+和VC有关。

    Conclusion Celosia cristata haemostatic mechanism is related to its rich content of Ca 2 + and Vitamin C.

  2. 用不同剂量60Co蛳γ射线辐射鸡冠花种子,观测其对种子发芽率和幼苗生长的影响。

    The Celosia cristata was irradiated wigh 60Co - γ ray and its germination rate and seedling growth were observed .

  3. 鸡冠花品种间耐热差异与超氧化物歧化酶(SODs)之间的关联

    Relationships between the Tolerance Difference to High Temperature Stress and Superoxide Dismutases ( SODs ) in Different Cultivars of Celosia cristata

  4. 通过盆栽试验,研究了高分子聚合物包膜复合肥(CCF)一次性基施对鸡冠花生长及肥料氮素利用和淋失的影响。

    Pot experiment was conducted to study the effect of macromolecule polymer coated compound fertilizer with single basal application on the growth of cockscomb flower , nitrogen absorption and leaching .

  5. 高羊茅(F.elataKeng)收获时,土壤中有效Zn和有效Cu含量与鸡冠花收获时无明显差异,有效Mn含量明显下降,有效N含量略有增加。

    The content of available Zn and Cu in soil after the second stubble corps ( F. elata Keng ) were harvested had no increase in contrast with that of the first stubble corps were harvested , but available Mn decreased distinctly and available Pb increased slightly .

  6. 鸡冠花,遥遥望往红得像一团火焰。

    Cockscomb , well looked red , Just like a flame .

  7. 以鸡冠花红为电化学探针线性扫描极谱法测定阿米卡星

    Linear sweep polarographic determination of amikacin with amaranth as electrochemical probe

  8. 电子束和离子注入处理鸡冠花种子对当代(Mo)植株生长发育影响的初步研究

    Plant growth of E-beam irradiated or ion implanted seeds of ornamental Celosia

  9. 鸡冠花种子营养成分的研究

    Studies on the nutritive constituents of the cockscomb seed

  10. 那头骡子仰着头,皮笼头上的红缨,像是秋雨里一朵艳红的鸡冠花。

    Leather halter on Hongying , such as in a rain of red cockscomb .

  11. 鸡冠花提高S(180)荷瘤鼠免疫功能及抑瘤作用的研究

    Research of Cristata I on Increasing Immunity and Suppressor Tumor of S180 Ascites Cancer Mice

  12. 新型缓控释肥料在春白菜和鸡冠花上应用效果研究

    Study on Application of New Slow / Controlled Fertilizers in Chinese Cabbage and Cockscomb Flower

  13. 本试验研究了不同基本培养基对凤尾鸡冠花愈伤组织生长及花青素积累的影响。

    Effect of sugar and nitrogen on the callus growth and anthocyanin accumulation in celosia cristata ;

  14. 用鸡冠花红线性扫描极谱法测定蛋白质及其应用

    Determining ribavirin by linear - sweep polarography Linear Sweep Polarographic Determination of Protein with Amaranth and Its Application

  15. 一个分形几何中最常用的递归算法所画的鸡冠花,仅几行代码。

    A fractal geometry of the most commonly used recursive algorithm painting cockscomb , just a few lines of code .

  16. 其一是“鸡冠花”系列油画作品,其二是“飞沙”系列综合材料作品。

    One is " Cockscomb Flowers " oil painting series , the other is " Flying Sands " comprehensive material series .

  17. 串红和鸡冠花也不甘示弱,你望,串红像是很多特制的冰糖葫芦插在土里。

    String of red and cockscomb to be outdone , you can see , red string like a number of tailor-made sugar-coated haws inserted in the earth .

  18. 对鸡冠花调控作用最为明显,其次为小丽花和丽格海棠,万寿菊效果相对较差。

    The regulatory functions was the most obvious for Celosia cristata , followed by Dahlia hybrida and Begonia × hiemalis , Tagetes erecta relatively had a poor result .

  19. 始于2006年的“鸡冠花”系列相较于马永强之前的水彩风景和石版画而言,显得张扬得多。

    Compared with the watercolor landscapes and lithographs Ma Yongqiang created previously , the " Cockscomb Flowers " series which was started to created in2006 are much more expressive .

  20. 极端高温处理对鸡冠花种子萌发与生长的影响新西兰一种端庄纤细的树种,总状花序,红色花冠,经济型杂色红木材。

    Effect of Extremely Higher Temperature on Germination and Seedling Growth of Celosiae Cristatae slender elegant tree of New Zealand having racemes of red flowers and yielding valuable mottled red timber .

  21. 结果表明,苗期一次性基施该肥料,可以满足鸡冠花整个生育期对养分的需要;

    The results showed that using macromolecule polymer coated compound fertilizer ( CCF ) by single basal application at seeding period could meet the nutrient need of cockscomb flower in its various growth periods .

  22. 我知道的,是与鸡冠花吃猪鼻,治疗,鼻出血,由于良好的热馒头引起的食谱,我不知道可以为您的孩子有用。

    I know of a recipe that is steamed with the cockscomb eat pig nose , treatment , nose bleeding due to heat caused by good , I do not know can be useful for your child .

  23. 由此可见,在鸡冠花育苗和移栽时适当使用保水剂,是提高鸡冠花出苗率、缩短出苗时间以及促进幼苗移栽后生长发育的有效途径,值得推广应用。

    The result showed that the proper application of water-retaining agent in seedling-raising and its transplantation was the effective approach in enhancing germination rate , shortening germination period and accelerating growth and development of Celosia cristata seedling after transplantation and it was worth popularizing and applying in agricultural production .