
niǎo lèi xué
  • ornithology
鸟类学[niǎo lèi xué]
  1. 挪威动物志,C辑:挪威鸟类学杂志。

    Fauna Norvegica , Series C : Norwegian Journal of Ornithology .

  2. 新增加的表情符号参考了专家们的建议:Unicode向康奈尔鸟类学实验室(CornellLabofOrnithology)咨询鸟类表情符号建议。

    Some additions to the emoji repertoire are informed by experts : Unicode has consulted the Cornell Lab of Ornithology for bird emoji advice .

  3. 在即将来临的2009年里,中国鸟类学史大概会由不打眼的业余人士通过发现未知的鸟类而刷新

    Mere amateurs in 2009 will make ornithological history in China by discovering birds unknown to science .

  4. 除科考队领队Turney外,其他科学家来自各个领域,包括海洋生态学、陆地生态学、鸟类学和海洋学。

    In addition to research team leader Mr. Turney , other scientists come from a range of disciplines , including marine ecology , terrestrial ecology , ornithology and oceanography .

  5. 库索是法国西南米其林两星级餐厅驿站酒店(RelaisdelaPoste)的主厨,他说这种鸟儿没有受到不人道的对待,还引用未发表的一项加拿大鸟类学研究,指出圃鹀在北欧的数量约在3000万只。

    Mr. Coussau , the chef at the two-Michelin-star restaurant Relais de la Poste in southwest France , insisted that the birds were not treated inhumanely , and cited an unpublished Canadian ornithological study indicating that the ortolan population in Northern Europe is around 30 million .

  6. 用独立的笼子养鸟,有什么鸟类学的原因吗?

    Is there an ornithological reason for keeping them in separate cages ?

  7. 孩子们是年轻的鸟类学爱好者俱乐部的成员。

    The children belong to a club for young ornithologists .

  8. 她是当地鸟类学协会的成员。

    She is a member of the local ornithological society .

  9. 他主要对植物学和鸟类学感兴趣。

    His main interests are botany and ornithology .

  10. 我花了3年时间从事鸟类学研究。

    I spent three years doing ornithological research .

  11. 鸟类学专家们包括鸟类大脑命名法协会里的科学家甚至分成了两个对立的阵营。

    Experts , including those in the consortium , are split into two warring camps .

  12. 我最擅长的是鸟类学。

    I 'm especially good at ornithology .

  13. 他发现自己适于专攻鸟类学。

    He found his vocation in ornithology .

  14. 鸟类学其实是我的爱好。

    Ornithology happens to be my avocation .

  15. 在即将来临的2009年里,中国鸟类学史大概会由不打眼的业余人士通过发现未知的鸟类而刷新。

    Mere amateurs in2009 will make ornithological history in China by discovering birds unknown to science .

  16. 收藏动植物标本、鸟类学、爬虫类学及人种学。

    The collections of the museum includes the specimens of plant and animal , ornithology , herpetology , and ethnography .

  17. 这一事实深刻地震撼了生物学和鸟类学界,我们不得不修正和扩大一夫一妻制的整个定义。

    It rocked biology and ornithology so hard , we had to modify and expand the entire definition of monogamy .

  18. 然而,国际科学会议起步较晚,于1884年举办的第一届国际鸟类学大会即是最早的国际科学会议之一。

    But international congresses in science were slow in starting , and the 1st International Ornithological Congress in 1884 was one of the earliest of them .

  19. 论文第二部分主要对鸟类学、生态学、风景园林学中的相关理论进行了搜集与整理,形成城市鹭鸟及其栖息环境研究的基础理论。

    Part two mainly about collecting and collating theory related to ornithology , ecology and Landscape Architecture , formed the basic theory for the study about heron habitat .

  20. 他既没有鸟类学或动物学的学历,也没有受过野生动物保护的正规训练,看上去不像是个救助鸟类的人。

    Dubacher , a gregarious , ruddy-faced man , seems an unlikely savior of birds , having no degree in ornithology or zoology or formal training in wildlife care .

  21. 这门课程的内容在针对鸟类学中学生有兴趣的主题,进行报告研读与讨论,以增加学生对鸟类的深层认识。

    The content of this course emphasizes some interested subjects of students in ornithology , through the works of reading and discussion , in order to gain a better understanding of birds .

  22. 深入分析了所设计系统的各项需求和设计目标,根据鸟类学,生物学,和鸟击相关知识,设计出了应用于该系统的模型。

    Depth analysis of the design system of the needs and design goals , in terms of ornithology , biology , and relevant knowledge on bird strike design used in the system model . 3 .

  23. 约翰·帕特里克作为康奈尔鸟类学实验室的一把手同时那次搜寻啄木鸟行动中的领军人物之一,认为该种鸟类非常可能已经消失殆尽。

    John Fitzpatrick , director of the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology and one of the leading figures in the search for the woodpecker , agrees there is a high probability that the bird is gone .

  24. 在黄河故道发现了三种列入IUCN/ICBP的濒危种或稀有种,在将来的研究中,应注意其鸟类学重要性;

    Endangered / rare species listed in I-UCN / ICBP Red Data Book were found in the Old Course of Yellow River and the ornithological importance of the area should be highlighted in the future serveys ;

  25. 蜡叶植物标本集制成标本、贴有标签并有系统地排序以便于科学研究的制干的植物的集合收藏动植物标本、鸟类学、爬虫类学及人种学。

    A collection of dried plants mounted , labeled , and systematically arranged for use in scientific study . The collections of the museum includes the specimens of plant and animal , ornithology , herpetology , and ethnography .

  26. 我国古代鸟类学的发展史可分为两期:(一)前期汉朝以前;(二)后期汉末至明朝。

    The developmental history of ornithology in ancient China may be divided into two periods : ( 1 ) The pre-Han period , ( 2 ) the hind period-from the end of the Han dynasty to the Ming dynasty .

  27. 随着聚合酶链式反应(PCR)和DNA测序技术的发展,线粒体DNA(mtDNA)已成为鸟类系统学和进化研究的理想分子标记。

    With the concurrent developments of polymerase chain reaction ( PCR ) and DNA sequencing technology , the mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA ) has become a very useful molecular marker for studying avian systematics and evolutionary biology .

  28. 他们从鸟类那里学来的。

    They learned it from the birds .

  29. 如果你愿意对麻雀进行连续观测,你会发现它们是非常可爱的小生命,特别是它们的集体行为是研究鸟类行为学的重要素材。

    If you are willing to sparrows on continuous observation , you will find that they are very cute little life , especially their collective behavior is the important material study birds behavior .

  30. 鸟类生态能量学的几个基本问题

    Several Basis Problems of Avian Ecological Energetics