- 名mandarin fish

The present study aims to clone interleukin-8 ( IL-8 ) and express five mandarin fish non-specific immune genes in Escherichia coli , including interleukin-1 ?
The results showed that there was a significant negative correlation between the DNA sequence diversity of plankton communities and water quality index , and high stocking density decreased the DNA sequence diversity and increased the water quality index .
Detection of infectious spleen and kidney necrosis virus ( ISKNV ) of mandarin fish ( Siniperca chuatsi ) by nested PCR
The rabbit antisera of IL-1 ? , IL-8 , viperin and invariant chain fusion proteins have basis on analyzing the distribution of these genes in the mandarin fish tissues in vitro .
Study on M and erin fish and its Culture Home and Abroad
Studies on the immunoprophylaxis against bacterial septicemia in mandarinfish
The phylogenetic relationship revealed by the Cyt b sequence was not consistent with the species'geographical distribution patterns .
These results may build the molecular base for further study on growth and development regulation of IGFs .
These results were helpful for further understanding systematic position , species validity and biogeography of the sinipercine fishes .
With higher economic benefit and lower environmental impact , the sustainable development potential of fishery subsystem is the best among the three subsystems .
On the feeding behaviour of mandarin fish ( siniperca chuatsi ) the study of food attractability of betaine and DM and feeding behavior of Pseudorasbora parva
These results showed that fast muscle and slow muscle had significantly differences at histological , protein composition and molecular levels , which suggested their different motion functions .
Study on the Technology of Intensive Cage Culture of Chelydra serpentina Effects of the Mandarin Fish Cage Culture on the Environment and the Carrying Capacity of the Water Body
The result also indicated that morphological differences as well as similarity are exited between the easy domestication and difficult domestication hybrid and some easy domestication hybrid shows a certain degree of morphological differentiation .
The smaller genetic similarity rate ( 0.6905 ) and bigger geneticdistance ( 0.3095 ) between two populations indicate that there is obvious genetic differentiation , which suggests that aquaculture has generated reduction in genetic diversity .