
  • 网络anchovy;engraulis japonicus
  1. 鳀鱼(Engraulisjaponicus)是黄海生态系统的关键种。

    Anchovy ( Engraulis japonicus ) is a key species in the Yellow Sea ecosystem .

  2. 因此陆源输入和鳀鱼资源量对古生产力的影响较大。

    So source entry and anchovy scales deposition influence paleo-productivity greatly .

  3. 奶酪鳀鱼比萨饼

    a pizza topped with cheese and anchovies

  4. 鳀鱼鱼油中EPA和DHA的气相色谱分析

    Gas Chromatographic Analysis for EPA and DHA in the Anchovy Oil

  5. 结论服用鳀鱼生物制品有降低TG、TC、血糖及血尿酸作用。

    Conclusions This fish biological product can decrease the levels of TG , TC , glucose and uric acid in serum .

  6. 结果表明,鳀鱼粗酶中主要含有四种蛋白酶,最适pH分别为2.5、5.5、9.0、12.5。

    The result shows that the anchovy crude endogenous protease is mainly composed of four proteases . Their most favorable pHs are 2.5 , 5.5 , 9.0 , 12.5 respectively .

  7. 目的探讨鳀鱼生物制品对人体降血脂(包括HDL,TC,TG)、血糖、血尿酸的作用。

    Objective To investigate the effect of a fish biological product on the levels of lipids , glucose and uric acid in human .

  8. 以鳀鱼鱼油为脂肪源的饲料添加高剂量的维生素E能提高大菱鲆的溶菌酶活性,但随着时间推移其影响减弱;

    The higher dose vitamin E could enhance lysozyme activity when anchovy oil was lipid source ( P < 0.05 ), while the higher dose vitamin E did not substantially enhance lysozyme activity .

  9. 鳀鱼腐败气体对大鼠的急性中毒中脑组织NSE、COX-2表达的影响

    Effect of Different Concentrations Gas Toxicosis of Acute Anchovy Degeneration on the Expression of NSE , COX-2 in Cerebral Tissue in Rats

  10. 南黄海鳀鱼(Engraulisjaponicus)产卵场小型桡足类的数量分布

    Abundance of small-sized copepods in anchovy Engraulis japonicus spawning ground in Southern Yellow Sea

  11. EPA和DHA最佳来源是冷水鱼,像是鲑鱼、鲔鱼、沙丁鱼、鳀鱼、和鲱鱼。

    The best sources of EPA and DHA are cold water fish such as salmon , tuna , sardines , anchovies , and herring .

  12. 黄、东海越冬鳀鱼的分布与水文条件的关系从鳀鱼油中提取高不饱和脂肪酸(EPA和DHA)的研究

    Relationship between distribution and hydrological conditions of the wintering anchovy in Yellow Sea and East China Sea studies on Preparation of polyunsaturated fatty acids ( epa & dha ) from anchovy fish oil

  13. 鳀鱼摄食浮游动物,浮游动物的供应由NPZ模型计算。

    The biomass of zooplankton is supplied by NPZ model .

  14. 但由于过度捕捞,鳀鱼资源已经严重衰退。

    However , due to overfishing , anchovy resources have declined .

  15. 水产下杂鱼鳀鱼氮营养价值研究

    Investigation on Nitrogen Nutritive Value of Cheap Sea Fish Engraulis japonicus

  16. 马里布海滩闻起来都是鳀鱼味儿。

    Malibu Beach 's smell is the flavor of anchovy .

  17. 世界鳀鱼资源的分布和利用状况

    The distribution and utilizations of the resources of world anchovies

  18. 荣成鳀鱼资源开发、利用的现状及建议采取的对策与措施

    Status , Proposal and Countermeasure for Anchovy Stocks Exploited by Rongcheng City

  19. 鳀鱼落网抗风浪装置的试验和应用

    Test and application of stormproof equipment in anchovy gorth net

  20. 鳀鱼蛋白酶水解物的营养评价

    Evaluation of nutritive value of enzymic anchovy protein hydrolysates

  21. 罗非鱼和鳀鱼酶解鱼露后熟阶段理化变化研究

    Physicochemical Changes of After-ripening of Enzymatic Hydrolysis Fish Sauce with Anchovy and Tilapia

  22. 鳀鱼资源状况对捕捞船型的影响

    On the effect of ship type of fishing anchovy for situation of Anchovy resources

  23. 东黄海区鳀鱼资源变动及渔业管理

    Resources change and fishery management of Engraulis japonicus in area of Eastern Yellow Sea

  24. 母亲需要橄榄、芹菜及鳀鱼做开胃菜。

    Mother will need olives , celery , and anchovies for her hors d'oeuvres .

  25. 黄海中南部鳀鱼的个体绝对生殖力在600~13600粒之间,平均为5500粒;

    The individual absolute fecundity range from 600 to 13000 , with a mean of 5500 ;

  26. 近海鳀鱼短袖高口拖网试验报告

    Test Report on the High Opening Trawl with Short Wings for Catching Anchovy in Off-lying Sea

  27. 在相同溶剂量的情况下,随着分级提取温度的降低,液态鳀鱼鱼油得率呈下降的趋势。

    At the same solvent concentration , it decreases with decrease of the abstract proportion temperature .

  28. 黄海中南部鳀鱼的排卵类型为多峰连续排卵型,一年产卵一次。

    Ovulation of the anchovy belongs to the multi-peak and continual type and spawn once a year .

  29. 这一结果对有效地开发利用鳀鱼资源具有重要的实用意义。

    The results obtained in the paper is of important significance to developing and utilizing effectively anchovy resources .

  30. 90年代后期随着渔业产量的迅猛发展,鳀鱼资源大幅衰退,至2003年越冬群体资源降至仅有10万吨,资源已近崩溃边缘。

    Following the explosive development of the fishery , the anchovy stock underwent a rapid decline in late 1990s .
