
  • 网络oolitic structure
  1. 条带(条纹)状和豆鲕状构造是本矿床的主要矿石构造。

    The major ores of this deposit have a banded ( streaky ), pisolitic or oolitic structure .

  2. 结果表明:矿石以鲕状构造为主,具有典型的同心环带结构。

    The research results showed that the main ore structure is oolitic with a typical band structure of concentric rings .

  3. 文献中关于锰结核的同心环带结构、同心球粒状构造、鲕状构造、斑杂构造实际上是叠层石柱体的不同切面。

    The concentric banded texture , concentric spherulitic , colitic and mottled structures reported in literature are actually different sections of the stromatolite columns .

  4. 主要矿物是高岭石,常见豆状、鲕状和碎屑状构造。

    Their main mineral is kaolinite , usually in pisolitic , oolitic or clastic structure .