
  1. 论鲁迅杂文中类型人物的命名艺术

    On Naming Skills of Typical Characters in Lu Xun 's Essays

  2. 略论报刊出版对鲁迅杂文创作的影响

    On The Effect of The Press Industry on Luxun 's Essays

  3. 鲁迅杂文中的唯物辩证法思想初探

    Exploring the Thoughts of Materialist Dialectics in Lu Xun 's Essays

  4. 这一章详细论述鲁迅杂文的威力。

    This chapter dwells on the power of Lu Xun 's essays .

  5. 浅谈鲁迅杂文的风格

    An Elementary Analysis to the Style of the Satirical Essays by Luxun

  6. 试论鲁迅杂文文体的独创性

    On the Originality of Lu Xun 's Essays as a New Style

  7. 鲁迅杂文的主体是文化评论和时事评论。

    Lu Xun 's essays consist chiefly of cultural criticisms and current-affair reviews .

  8. 关于鲁迅杂文的学术分类研究

    Research on the Classification of Lu Xun 's Essays

  9. 新编高中教材鲁迅杂文的教学

    How to Teach Luxuns Essays in New Edition Chinese Textbook for High School

  10. 从语言学角度解读鲁迅杂文的讽刺艺术

    Analysing the Satire Art of Lu Xun 's Essays by Deciphering the Language

  11. 一幅中国现代史的病理图&浅谈鲁迅杂文《现代史》

    A Pathological Picture of Chinese Contemporary History & A brief talk on the essay Contemporary History written by Luxun ;

  12. 第三部分是文章的分析部分,关注的是30年代都市体验对鲁迅杂文创作所产生的影响。

    The third part is the analysis in part , this part is concerned that the urban experience of 1930s of Lu Xun Essays on the impact .

  13. 第一章主要是明确有关概念源流,梳理鲁迅杂文中的意象部分。

    The first chapter of the paper is to mainly define the origins of the concept , and sort out some images in Lu Xun ' essays .

  14. 鲁迅杂文的思想与艺术成就,在很大的程度上代表了现代中国散文已经达到的最高境界。

    The achievements in arts and the idea of Lu Xun 's essay , can be understood , in a quite great degree , represent the highest realms of the development of contemporary Chinese essays .

  15. 通过对鲁迅杂文中社会意象表达的艺术效果的考察,我们可以更深刻地体味鲁迅杂文的艺术风采,从而更坚定地确认鲁迅杂文的文学属性。

    Through investigating the artistic effects of the expression of social imagery in Lu Xun 's essays , we can more profoundly appreciate the artistic brilliance of them and thus more firmly recognize the literary attribute of his essays .

  16. 鲁迅的杂文绝大部分是对准敌人的。

    Almost all of Luxun 's essays were directed at the enemy .

  17. 探索二者的关系,可以对鲁迅的杂文创作特点及其文学观念有新的感受和认识。

    Exploring their relation will help to form the bran-new feeling to Lu Xun 's creations and literature views .

  18. 这种背景也决定了鲁迅后期杂文的公共性特征。

    This background had also determined the public characteristics of Lu Xun 's essays in his later writing stage .

  19. 空间的转换从三个方面构成鲁迅后期杂文写作的背景。

    The transference of space helped the constitution of the later essays ' writing background of Lu Xun in three aspects .

  20. 1925年鲁迅的杂文从对民众的整体性批判转向对特殊知识阶级的大力鞭笞,这种转向影响了鲁迅后来的写作生涯。

    In 1925 , the direction of LuXun 's essays changed , from criticizing the whole people to criticizing the special intellectual class .

  21. 延安解放区鲁迅式杂文在1941年至1942年春,出现了短暂的繁荣期,接着归于沉寂。

    Luxun-style essays saw a brief period of popularity in the springs of 1941 and 1942 and unpopularity again in Yanan Liberation Area .

  22. 鲁迅前期杂文的艺术技巧和成就是多方面的,“诗”的因素和形象性的特征是其最基本的特色。

    The Lu xunpreliminary essay artistic skill and the achievement are various ," poem " the factor and the vivid characteristic are its most basiccharacteristic .

  23. 批判现实倾向的勃兴和消失&试析四十年代初延安鲁迅式杂文和新杂文的艺术命运及其影响

    From rising of the criticism trend towards revolution to withering & the artistic destiny and the impact of the Lu Xun style essay and New Essay in the 1940 's

  24. 比较柏杨与幽默大师鲁迅的杂文创作,在幽默运用上二者的相似与不同之处兼而有之。

    Again , comparing with Luxun , colloquially known as ' the Humor Master ' , similarities and differences are noticeable in both Boyang 's and Luxun 's styles of humor .

  25. 首先,对话性,即鲁迅以杂文形式对时事及社会现象迅速做出反应,并以报刊为媒介与整个社会形成一种互动、对话的交往网络。

    First , dialogic nature , that is to say that Lu Xun by his essays made responses to the current events and the social phenomena , and formed an interaction and conversation network between him and the whole society by media of newspapers .

  26. 鲁迅把杂文作为战斗的武器,以敏锐的洞察力,犀利泼辣的笔锋,于嬉笑怒骂之中充分发挥了他的不羁的想象力与卓越的讽刺才能。

    Satirical essay became Lu Xun 's weapon . With penetrating insight and pungent style , he brought into full play his unrestrained imagination and enormous talent of satire . Mirth or laughter , bouts of anger or strings of curses - all made excellent writing under his pen .

  27. 我喜欢看鲁迅的讽刺杂文。

    I like to read Lu Xun 's satirical essays .

  28. 鲁迅式的杂文可不可以用来对付人民内部的错误和缺点呢?

    Can the Lu Hsun type of essay be used against mistakes and shortcomings within the ranks of the people ?

  29. 文章还以其独特的艺术形式,成为鲁迅九百多篇杂文中一篇具有独立性格的文字。

    Because of its unique art form , it becomes one work with independent character among more than 900 essays written by Luxun .

  30. 要理解鲁迅晚年的杂文写作必须先对其晚年的境遇有一个确切的认知。

    To understand his essay writing in his later stage , a precise cognition for his circumstances in his remaining years was first required .