
  • 网络fish migration
  1. 鱼类行为的研究是搞清鱼类洄游路线、提高捕捞效率、保护渔业资源的重要基础。

    The purpose of studying fish behavior is to find out fish migration routes and improve capture efficiency , which gives an important foundation for the protection of fishery resources .

  2. 在此基础上提出了长江流域鱼类洄游通道恢复的对策:制定鱼类洄游通道恢复规划;

    Based on the analysis , four main measures for restoring passage for migratory fish are proposed : ( a ) develop program of restoring fish passage ;

  3. 美国政府最终拒绝拆坝,认为拆坝不是促进鲑鱼洄游所必须的,采取其他工程措施同样能改善鱼类洄游条件。

    The Clinton and Bush Administration refused to breach these dams successively regarding that dam removal is not essential to improving salmon runs and other methods can also achieve this object .

  4. 自20世纪30年代起,美国陆军工程师团建设并运行哥伦比亚河及斯内克河下游的8座梯级水电站,这些水电站通过各种工程措施维持鱼类洄游通道。

    Since 1930s the US Army Corps of Engineers has built and operated a string of 8 hydropower stations along the lower Columbia and Snake River and adult and juvenile salmon passages are maintained with various measures .

  5. 不利影响主要是水库淹没损失和移民安置环境影响,大坝阻隔洄游性鱼类洄游通道,淹没库区鱼类产卵场、工程施工对梧州市水源地的影响以及产生的水土流失等。

    The unfavorable influences include reservoir inundation losses , environmental influence resulting from inhabitant resettlement , the return channel of migration fish being cut off by the dam , submergence of fish spawning yard , affecting the water source of Wuzhou city and soil erosion caused by project construction etc.

  6. 联合国跨界鱼类种群和高度洄游鱼类种群会议最后文件;

    Final act of the United Nations Conference on straddling fish stocks and highly migratory fish stocks ;

  7. 养护和管理公海跨界鱼类种群和高度洄游鱼类种群公约草案;

    Draft Convention on the conservation and management of straddling fish stocks and highly migratory fish stocks on the high seas ;

  8. 定居型鱼类占50.7%,洄游型鱼类48.0%,河口型鱼类1.3%;

    The settling species , the migratory species and the estuarine species account for 50 . 7 % , 48.0 % and 1.3 % .

  9. 4属,其中土著纯淡水鱼类5种,洄游鱼类11种,河口鱼类26种,外来鱼类14种。

    There are 102 kinds of freshwater fishes , belonging to 34 families 84 genus , among which there are 51 kinds of original inhabitant fishes , 11 kinds of migration fishes , 26 kinds of estuarine fishes and 14 kinds of outside fishes .