
  1. FDI对中国宏观投资效率影响研究我国高额外汇储备对宏观经济的影响

    Analysis of Effect of FDI on Macro-economic Efficiency of Investment in China Study on the Impact of China 's Huge Foreign Exchange Reserves on Macroeconomic in Our Country

  2. 高额外汇储备对经济增长是否存在负面影响?

    Whether the excessive FER has the negative effect to economic increase ?

  3. 我看高额外汇储备

    My View on Huge Forex Reserve

  4. 我国高额外汇储备对宏观经济的影响

    Study on the Impact of China 's Huge Foreign Exchange Reserves on Macroeconomic in Our Country

  5. 我国高额外汇储备对货币政策负面影响的实证分析

    A Research on the Negative Influence of China 's Huge Foreign Exchange Reserves to Monetary Policy

  6. 同时分析了我国高额外汇储备目前自身所面临的结构风险。

    Furthermore , I also studied the advantages and disadvantages as well as its current structural risk the high foreign exchange reserves faces .

  7. 我国高额外汇储备面临的风险及对策超额赔款再保险中最优自留额的确定

    The Current Risks and Countermeasures of China 's Huge Foreign Exchange Reserves Determination of the Best Retention in the Excess of Loss Reinsurance

  8. 在分析实证结果的基础上,探讨高额外汇储备对我国经济发展带来的正负效应。

    On the empirical analysis , the article discusses the positive and negative effect that excessive foreign exchange reserve brings on the economy development of China .

  9. 结合实证检验结果,认为,高额外汇储备存量除了会给国家经济带来高成本、高风险外,还会给经济的稳定带来威胁。

    Based on empirical tests and analyses , the dissertation believes the big scale of foreign exchange reserve brings high cost , high risk , and serious threat to economy .

  10. 高额外汇储备和经常项目与资本项目的双顺差给央行的汇率政策以及维持人民币汇率稳定带来了巨大压力。

    High foreign exchange reserves and the double surplus of current account and capital account have given severe pressure to the central bank to maintain the RMB exchange rate stability .

  11. 如何确保我国的高额外汇储备保值增值,维持国民经济的持续健康发展,成为了一个亟需研究和慎重决策的重大课题。

    To maintain and increase our high foreign exchange reserves ' value , and keep the consistency and health of its economic development has already become a much-needed and careful decision-making research area .

  12. 第四章从金融危机对我国经济的冲击入手,分析了金融危机对我国外汇储备带来的影响,从需求方面进行了适度规模的测算,并指出高额外汇储备的利弊。

    In chapter four , I analyzed the effects financial crisis has brought to our economy as well as foreign exchange reserves and also measured the moderate-scale of our foreign exchange reserves from the demand perspective .

  13. 高额外汇储备对外汇管理提出挑战,外汇储备的过度增长更对人民币币值稳定、货币政策效果具有重要影响。

    The high FER proposes the challenge to the management of FER itself , and the excessive growth of FER has an important influence on the stabilization of RMB exchange rate and the effect of monetary policy .

  14. 分析了影响外汇储备高速发展的原因、高额外汇储备对中国经济的影响后,根据前述研究成果提出了改善外汇储备的建议。

    Analyse the reasons for the rapid development of foreign exchange reserves , and the effect of the Chinese economy by high foreign exchange reserves . And according to previous research make recommendations to improve the foreign exchange reserves .

  15. 因此,为了保证外汇储备收益性,积极探索有效的外汇储备运营方式、策略等具体事项,成为当前化解中国高额外汇储备难题,优化外汇储备运营的当务之急。

    Therefore , in order to guarantee the profitability of foreign exchange reserve , China has to resolve urgent problem for high stock of foreign exchange reserve by actively exploring effective method in operation , strategies and other specific matters .

  16. 第三章分析了我国外汇储备的现状、快速增长的主要原因以及高额外汇储备对中国经济金融发展的利弊分析。第四章探讨了我国外汇储备变动对货币供给的影响。

    Chapter 3 will discuss the current situation and main sources of foreign exchange reserve accumulation and the advantages and disadvantages of the high foreign exchange reserve to Chinese economy in China . Chapter 4 will deal with the influence on money supply by growing in foreign exchange reserve .

  17. 同时,高额的外汇储备还面临着金融危机带来的各种风险。

    Simultaneously , high foreign exchange reserves also faces various risks caused by the financial crisis .

  18. 并且高额的外汇储备也对汇率产生了上行的压力。

    And the high level of foreign exchange reserves also resulted in upward pressure on exchange rates .

  19. 如此高额的外汇储备会对我国经济产生哪些有利及不利影响;

    Such a high level of foreign exchange reserves which will benefit China 's economy and the adverse effects ?

  20. 高额的外汇储备规模及其迅猛的增长态势,引起了理论界的广泛关注和研究。

    The high volume of foreign exchange reserves and its rapid growth has aroused widespread attention and research among theoretical circles .

  21. 此外,亚洲很多国家仍有经常账户盈余,这又导致了高额的外汇储备。

    In addition , much of Asia still generates current account surpluses , which have led , in turn , to large foreign exchange reserves .

  22. 尽管高额的外汇储备对我国的经济起到稳定作用,但是也会带来较大的风险和负面影响。

    Despite the high foreign exchange reserves play a stabilizing role in our economy , but also bring greater risks and negative impact on the economy .

  23. 不少学者认为我国高额的外汇储备,导致央行向市场中投放了很多的基础货币,促使物价进一步上涨,是加剧通货膨胀的一个原因。

    Lots of scholars think the high foreign exchange reserves result from the center bank put too much money into circulation , and CPI which runs higher lead to the inflation .

  24. 升值论者主要依据巴拉萨&萨缪尔森效应、高额的外汇储备、巨大的贸易顺差以及中国作为一个大国的责任等要求人民币升值。

    Those who ask RMB to appreciate mainly base on high foreign exchange recreation , huge favorable balance of trade , as well as the responsibility of China as a large country .

  25. 与此同时,我国外汇储备规模持续增长,稳居世界第一,高额的外汇储备对我国经济发挥着有利作用的同时也产生着不利影响。

    At the same time , the Chinese foreign exchange reserve scale sustained growing ranks first in the world , which plays a good role to our country economy as well as has the adverse impact .

  26. 因此,本文认为高额的外汇储备会使我国出现流动性过剩的结果,货币供应量超出了实体经济的需求从而增加了通货膨胀的压力。

    Therefore , this paper argues that the high foreign exchange reserve can make the result of excess liquidity in our country . And due to the money supply exceeding the need of the real economy , the pressure on inflation is bigger .