
gāo sù tiě lù
  • high-speed railway;high speed rail;high-speed rail;HSR;TGV
  1. 支持更传统的高铁系统的美国高速铁路联合会(U.S.High-SpeedRailAssociation)认为,磁悬浮列车过于昂贵且处于试验阶段,不宜考虑。

    And the U.S. High Speed Rail Association , which supports more conventional high-speed rail systems , has dismissed the maglev train as too expensive and experimental .

  2. 加快高速铁路建设实施的对策

    Counter-Measures to Speed Up the Implementation of High Speed Rail Construction

  3. 人们对于拟建的高速铁路何时能竣工仍存有很大疑问。

    There remains considerable doubt over when the intended high-speed rail link will be complete

  4. 新的铁路时代——高速铁路时代,在整个欧洲已经开始出现。

    Throughout Europe a new railway age , that of the high-speed train , has dawned

  5. 预计英国政府不会考虑为修建一条新的高速铁路提供国家补贴的设想。

    The British government is expected to reject the idea of state subsidy for a new high speed railway

  6. 他们将花大约五年时间修建这条高速铁路。

    They will spend about five years in building the high-speed railway .

  7. 6月30日,京沪高铁迎来运营10周年。京沪高铁全长1318公里,是当时世界上一次建成线路最长的高速铁路,连接首都北京和华东沿海经济枢纽城市上海。

    With a total length of 1318 km and linking the capital with the eastern coastal economic hub of Shanghai , the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway is the world 's longest high-speed line ever constructed in a single phase .

  8. CFG桩在高速铁路路基加固中的应用

    The application of CFG pile to the consolidation roadbed of high-speed railway

  9. 证明运用ANSYS软件对高速铁路路堤的沉降计算是一种实用计算沉降方法。

    This prove that using ANSYS to calculate the settlement of high embankment of the high-speed railway is a practicably method to calculating settlement .

  10. BT公司是一家从事轨道交通设备的制造商,主要产品有铁路及高速铁路机车、城市轨道交通设备等。

    BT is a company engaged in manufacturing rail transportation equipment , its main products including railway and high-speed railway locomotives and urban rail facilities .

  11. 针对访问地图数据和影像数据的需求,我们采用创建缓存的地图服务方案。最后开发了高速铁路GIS展示系统。

    According the demand for accessing map data and image data , we adopt the program that to create a cache for map service . Finally , we developed a GIS based high-speed railway display system .

  12. 本文用ANSYS软件计算高速铁路高路堤的沉降量和用灰色理论预测所得出的高速铁路高路堤工后沉降,对工程实际有指导意义。

    Using ANSYS to calculate the settlement of high embankment of the high-speed railway and using gray system to predict the settlement of high embankment have instruction significance to the actual engineer .

  13. 论文介绍了一种实用的高速铁路ATP算法,包括地面列控中心和车载系统两部分的优化设计与实现步骤。

    This paper introduces a feasible ATP algorithm for high speed trains , which includes an optimized design and an actualizing procedure for train control centers and train computer systems .

  14. 浅谈高速铁路32m预制箱梁施工技术

    On Construction Technique of the Box Beam ( 32m in length ) for the Express Railway

  15. 本论文以京沪高速铁路32m混凝土箱梁蒸汽养护项目为研究对象。

    The research focuses on the 32m concrete box girder for express railway from Beijing to Shanghai .

  16. 面对日、德、法等先进技术的竞争,研究具有自主知识产权高速铁路牵引供电自动化系统(TPSAS,TractionPowerSupplyAutomaticSystem)是十分有意义的。

    In face of the competition of advanced technique from Japan , Germany , France and etc , it is significant for us to research on TPSAS ( Traction Power Supply Automatic System ) for High-speed Railway ) with Self - Intellectual Property Rights .

  17. 许多高速铁路发达国家已经广泛采用列车超速防护系统(简称ATP)设备,这是我国高速铁路建设以及地铁和城市轻轨交通所急需的安全设备。

    Automatic train protection ( ATP ) system devices , which are needed in our country for the construction of high-speed railway , metro and city railway , are used in many countries with developed high-speed railway .

  18. 结合我国高速铁路建设投融资现状和PPP模式关于合作关系、风险管理等方面的突出特点,提出PPP为适合我国高速铁路建设融资方式。

    Combining the present situation of domestic high-speed railway development as well as the cooperation relationship , risk management etc. of PPP mode , to get the conclusion that the most suitable financing mode for our high-speed railway construction is PPP .

  19. 国际铁路联盟已经确定下一代铁路专用移动无线通信网络将基于LTE技术,然而LTE-R(LTERailway)网络的各项技术标准仍然处在研究阶段,高速铁路移动通信仍然面临着诸多问题。

    International Union of Railways have identified that the next generation wireless communication network in railway will be based on LTE . However , the technical standards for LTE-R are still in the research and mobile communications in high-speed railway are still facing lots of problems .

  20. 介绍了全风化及强风化软岩岩块作为高速铁路路堤的室内模型试验研究,得出了模型路堤基床系数K30、变形模量Ev1和变形系数Ev2等物理力学材料参数。

    The indoor model experimental study on the physico-mechanical properties of pavement with weathered gravelly sands and argillite slate rock as the express railway embankment under quasi-static cyclic loads is introduced .

  21. 概述弹性分组环技术的结构及技术特点,介绍基于MSTP的弹性分组环技术,并对其体系结构和应用进行分析,说明基于MSTP的弹性分组环技术的优势,及其符合高速铁路数据网发展要求。

    The structure and technical characteristics of Resilient Packet Ring were outlined and RPR technology based MSTP was introduced . Combined with the analysis of its architecture and application , the advantages of RPR technology is described and proposed that it is suitable for data network development of high-speed railway .

  22. 通过深入研究以太网技术,结合高速铁路对TSAS实时性要求,提出了一种新的工业控制以太网解决方案:分布交换式双环光纤自愈以太网。

    Through studying deeply Ethernet technique , combining the TSAS real-time needs of TPSAS , a new industrial control Ethernet solution plan : the Distributed and Exchanged Double-loop Optical Self - repaired Ethernet was brought out .

  23. 京沪高速铁路共有七处跨越阳澄湖,分段合计线路总长5900m,共有181个桥墩位于阳澄湖水中。

    There is total of seven across the Yangcheng Lake by Beij ing-Shanghai high speed railway , the length of total line segment is 5900m , there are 181 piers in the Yangcheng Lake water .

  24. 高速铁路路基填土的压密下沉分析

    Analysis of Compaction Subsiding of Express Railway Foundation Earth - filling

  25. 高速铁路道岔设计与铺设的几点建议

    Recommendations on design and laying of turnouts for high speed railway

  26. 高速铁路的主要技术特征与高速动车组

    Main technical characteristics of high speed railway and high speed EMUs

  27. 我国高速铁路的运输组织问题

    Features and Transport Organization of High & Speed Railway in China

  28. 高速铁路工务工程技术简介

    Brief Account of Permanent Way Engineering and Technology for High-speed Railway

  29. 高速铁路机车牵引齿轮优化设计

    Optimum Design of Gears for High speed Railway Locomotive Traction Gear

  30. 因此,开发针对高速铁路桥梁检修和维护的检测车,提供高效安全的平台,显得至关重要。

    High-speed railway bridge inspection vehicle provides efficient and safe platform .