- 名High-speed photography;high-speed shoot;high-speed handling

Flash X-ray high - speed photography used in intermediate ballistic measurement
Soft X-ray photocathode of image tube for high speed photography
Linage Processing on High-speed Photography of CO_2 Laser Welding Plasma
Dr Full had been using high-speed photography to study how cockroaches employ their antennae to sense and cross gaps .
High-speed photograph of Q-switching laser induced breakdown on solid surface
Application of Laser High-speed Photography Based on Area-array CCD to Ballistic Test
A design and the properties of a phosphor transform screen for flash X-ray high speed photography
Recent advance of applications in high speed photography and Photonics
Arc root diameters and apparent current densities were evaluated by high speed camera and SEM micrographs .
High speed CCD instruments and image processing methods including image correlation analysis were used to evaluate the model .
Study on Classical Designing Theory of Miller Type Ultra High Speed Photographic System
Special technique in high speed photography
Macro characteristics of conical spray and HL spray
To Take the High-Speed Photography for Real Exhaust Plumes of Rocket Engine with Laser Transient F-P Interferometer
Visualization experiments of flow field of PDC bit were made by such experimental techniques as silk-thread showing and high-speed photography .
The macroscopic spray characteristics of liquefied petroleum gas ( LPG ) and diesel fuel spray were studied by the high-speed photography in a constant volume chamber .
Based on the CCD infrared high-speed photography , the instrument can inspect all kinds of typical defects and determine their position , by means of such algorithms as low-pass filtering , segmentation and projection , etc.
The effects of interaction between aeration bubbles and cavitation bubbles at different gas concentrations and different flow velocities were considered . The experimental results showed that the particle images and high-speed photographs captured were consistent with velocity vector handling by the manage system .
The dispersion Velocity , Radius and temperature of the fuel with explosive reaction were measured by use of high speed photography and infrared transducers .
For the high-speed photography diagnostics , observing the derivation process of the jet through the ultra-high speed ns ICCD ( PCO HSFC ) cameras .
One is high-pressure CO2 test block . To distinguish between lubricant drip and bubble , the fluorescent tracer is added to the mixture . The decompression process of CO2 and PAG lubricant mixture solution was experimental observed using high speed camera .
The Paper presents the processes of corrosion , bubble movement and vaporization of metals in WEDM by using high speed photography , and also describes the process of electric discharge in WEDM .
By the analysis of penetrated hole of the target and the photograph of high speed photography , first we got the formation mechanism of PELE .
GS-222 high speed photographic measuring instrument and data processing way
A method of angle information sampling and processing in GS-221 high speed photographic measuring instrument
High-speed photography was used to study spatial distribution characteristics of cavitation bubble cloud structure in HIFU field , the influence of ultrasonic power to the structure , and its formation process with special attention to its inception process .
The experiments were conducted on a modified SHPB test system . The variations of the incident wave and the transmitted wave , as well as the deformation histories , were recorded by a high-speed camera .
CTOA is measured with the built three dimension function model of crack profile of the crack top and free profile through the high-speed photo technology .
The angular motion of the models during the quasi-steady flow was recorded by synchroflash and the aerodynamic stability coefficients were derived from the motions by parameter differential method .
High-speed camera and optical microscope were used to study the expanding fracture characteristic of the beryllium bronze ( QBe2 ) cylinder shell under detonation loading .