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gāo diào
  • high profile;bombast;high-sounding words;lofty tone;tall talk;high pitch tone;bombastic words
高调 [gāo diào]
  • [high sounding words;tall talk;hombast] 声调或口吻太高。比喻说话不着边际、脱离实际,吹牛皮

  • 他这个就爱唱高调

高调[gāo diào]
  1. 现在阿里阿德涅,虽然她看起来像蜡洋娃娃,有感情,她不是木屑,而且这些人的感情,伤害了罗斯的高调。

    Now Ariadne , though she looked like a wax doll , had feelings within her instead of sawdust , and these feelings were hurt by Rose 's lofty tone .

  2. 唱高调就是说大话或者说空话。

    This means you 're talking high-sounding words or bushwa .

  3. 多少年来,报纸上,广播里,舞台上,会场上的声嘶力竭,装腔做态的高调搞得我们震耳欲聋。

    For years , from newspapers , broadcasts , the stages and at meetings , we had heard nothing but grandiloquent rhetoric delivered with shouts and shrieks that deafened the ears .

  4. 例如,只有13%的受调查者表示2016年有兴趣购买一款新的智能手表,虽然高调宣传了一年,但比例也只比去年增加了1%。

    Only 13 percent of respondents said that they were interested in buying a smartwatch in 2016 , for example -- an increase of just one percent from the previous year despite a year of high-profile launches .

  5. high-key/low-key高调的/低调的我今晚打算出去,不过没几个人知道。

    I 'm going out tonight but it 's pretty low-key .

  6. 这个家伙太高调了。

    The guy 's too high profile1 .

  7. 2007,中国金融业高调步入后WTO过渡期

    2007 , China Finance Industry Walks into the Post Transition Period of WTO

  8. 尽管措辞十分高调,目前尚不清楚这款新的AppleTV盒销售情况如何。

    Despite the lofty rhetoric , it is unclear how well the new Apple TV box is selling .

  9. 在令人焦虑的总统大选年,IBM这台超级电脑的高调亮相值得深思。

    It is worth contemplating the rise of this IBM supercomputer amid a fraught election season .

  10. 上周,亚马逊(Amazon)高调而自豪地发布了KindleFireHD系列产品。

    Last week , Amazon brought it loud and proud .

  11. 描述高调的JavaScript的最好方法是提供一个示例。

    The best way to describe obtrusive JavaScript is to give an example .

  12. 而一些指责美国央行联邦储备委员会(FederalReserve)的人认为,美联储的说辞和此歌的高调相同。

    Some people accuse the Federal Reserve , America 's central bank , of singing the same tune .

  13. 然后提出了本文的设计重点:一种宽输入范围、高调光比的滞环控制大功率LED恒流驱动器。

    Following is the designing point : the hysteresis current controlling high-power LED constant-current driver with wide input voltage range and high dimming ratio .

  14. 该方法在低调制度范围内具有良好的谐波特性,在高调制度范围内谐波特性和传统的消谐波PWM方法基本相同。

    This method shows better harmonic characteristics of output voltage than Subharmonic PWM method under low modulation index region .

  15. 而高调的新来者谷歌(google)则拒绝提供任何业绩指引,丝毫不怕引起华尔街的愤怒。

    Google , a high-profile newcomer , has dared to incur the wrath of Wall Street by refusing any guidance at all .

  16. 自联想在2005年收购IBM的个人电脑业务以来,这家中国公司高调进行了一系列的收购。

    Since 2005 when Lenovo bought IBM 's PC business , the Chinese company has gone on a spree of high-profile acquisitions .

  17. 去年第三季度,亚马逊高调发布了KindleFire平板电脑,分析人士普遍认为亚马逊是在赔本赚吆喝。

    Last fall saw the high-profile release of the kindle fire tablet , a device many analysts believe Amazon initially sold at a loss .

  18. 在索尼影视娱乐(SonyPictures)和家得宝(HomeDepot)等大企业近期遭遇网络攻击,并被舆论高调曝光后,对网络安全服务的需求预计会出现激增。

    Demand for these services are expected to soar after high levels of publicity for recent attacks on big companies from Sony Pictures to Home Depot .

  19. 尽管去年一个这样的疫苗暗示着一定的成功,在一个被称为“STEP”的试验中,先前最好的方法被证明是一个高调的失败。

    Although there were hints of modest success with one such vaccine last year , the previous best bet proved to be a high-profile flop in2007 , during a trial dubbed " STEP " .

  20. 这些节目无疑是HBOMax试图吸引订阅用户的高调手段之一。

    They will no doubt be a high-profile part of HBO Max 's appeal as it tries to attract subscribers .

  21. 事实表明,谷歌目前高调招募的许多人才都来自同城竞争对手甲骨文公司(Oracle)。

    It turns out that a lot of the high profile people Google is recruiting are coming from cross-town rival Oracle ( orcl ) .

  22. 高调的维珍(virgin)财团在并购境况不佳的英国抵押贷款银行北岩(northernrock)时,为何需要一家低调香港投资公司的帮助呢?

    Why does the high-profile virgin consortium bidding to acquire Northern Rock , the ailing UK mortgage lender , require the presence of a low-key Hong Kong-based investment firm ?

  23. 另外一部高调参选的大片、由中国大陆选送的《金陵十三钗》(TheFlowersofWar)未能入围,该片的导演是张艺谋,由克里斯蒂安·贝尔(ChristianBale)担纲主演。

    Another high-profile blockbuster , mainland China 's " The Flowers of War " from director Zhang Yimou and starring Christian Bale didn 't make the short list .

  24. 另一方面,据知情人士透露,中国银行旗下投资银行机构中银国际(BankofChinaInternational)打算在今年第四季度高调推出一项新服务。

    On the other hand , Bank of China International , its investment banking arm , is set to launch a big rollout of a new service in the final quarter of this year , according to people familiar with its plans .

  25. 您还将看到一些高调的JavaScript代码示例,并发现它们拥有的、被认为是不好的编程实践的属性。

    You will also see some examples of obtrusive JavaScript code , and discover the attributes that they have that are considered to be poor programming practice .

  26. 本着他们一贯的高调作风,皮特和朱莉•皮特将婚礼照片以500万美元的价格卖给了《人物》(People)和《Hello!》杂志。

    In keeping with the public nature of their relationship , Mr Pitt and Ms Jolie Pitt sold the photographs of their wedding day to People and Hello ! magazines for a reported $ 5 million .

  27. 三周前,海豹部队的一个小分队在巴基斯坦大胆、高调地刺杀了奥萨马本拉登(osamabinladen)。

    Three weeks ago , a unit of the seals performed an audacious , high-profile assassination of Osama bin Laden in Pakistan .

  28. 这名中国籍大前锋2007年高调加入NBA,但因在球场上没有让人印象深刻的表现很快归于沉寂。

    The Chinese-born power forward entered the NBA to much fanfare in 2007 only to fade quickly into anonymity after failing to impress on the court .

  29. 信贷激增构成了政府高调刺激方案的最重要组成部分:2008年到2010年,国有银行新增贷款约为国内生产总值(GDP)的60%。

    A surge in credit was the single most important part of the government 's vaunted stimulus programme : new lending by state-owned banks from 2008-10 was about 60 percent of gross domestic product .

  30. 然而,海湾投资者的影响力正在上升,因为它们参与了包括为花旗集团(citigroup)和瑞银(ubs)注资等高调交易。

    But the influence of Gulf investors is rising as they participate in high-profile deals including capital injections into financial institutions such as Citigroup and UBS .