- 网络High-energy propellant;NEPE

The DDT mechanism of the propellant has been discussed .
Molecular Dynamics Simulation on PEG and Al Particle Models of High Energy NEPE Propellent Ingredient
Development of Explosion-containment Vessel with 5 kg TNT Equivalent BLAST CHAMBER
A laser light scattering method to determine molecular weight and its distribution of a novel bonding agent BAG is introduced and experimental principle and procedure are given in the paper .
The mechanical properties of propellants formulation , which containes PEO binder and is plasticized by nitrate ester were studied .
The processes of hot-spots formations of cracks friction in solid propellants under normal pressure and shear stress , are analyzed numerically .
Based on the simulation results , the TNT equivalence of the NEPE high energy propellant under 0.006MPa ~ 0.500 MPa is derived as about 1.26 .
Combustion efficiency study and prediction of specific impulse of high-energy propellants
Effects of Main Ingredients of High-Energy Propellants on Combustion Efficiency
Influence of density on deflagration-to-detonation transition of high-energy propellant
Study on combustion properties of nitrate ester plasticized polyether propellants at high pressure
Questions about storability may , however , arise for the newer , higher energy solid propellants .
The propellant which has higher density special impulse can be applied into ramjet which has no nozzle .
The new method is applied the safety analysis for energetics binder of high energy propellant and success is achieved .
The results show that the hazardous classification is similar to that of the high energy propellant of 1.1 class hazardous articles classified by USDOD .
The results showed that the main influencing factor to the interior ballistics of solid motor with high energy propellant is the slow descending of burning rate .
New challenges were brought forward to nozzle thermal structure design , with the development of high energy aluminized propellant and the technological advancements of high pressure motor .
The effect of main ingredients of high-energy propellants on combustion efficiency was studied by measuring the content of active aluminum in residue and vacuum explosion heat and conducting motor tests .
The paper sets forth the foreign research situation of propellant on low-signal feature and introducting strategic missile to the field of tactical missile by high-energy . All of these provide views and suggestions for the development of our national propellant .
Tendency of research and development for solid propellants before 2010 is presented from the four main development directions . It is considered that the high-energy propellant system containing azidobinder / ADN / Al or AlH 3 can be realized in the future .
A review on deflagration to detonation transition ( ddt ) for high energy propellant
High Energy Composite Propellant Containing ADN and HNF at Abroad
HAN-based liquid propellant is a new type of green high-energy liquid propellant , whose combustion behaviors will directly affect the performance of the engine , as an ideal fuel for the liquid rocket engine .
The high molecular weight poly ( ethylene oxide ) tetraol is a new binder in high energy solid propellant .
The high-pressure combustion properties of NEPE high-energy solid propellant were simulated and calculated by using the GA-BP neural network .
This paper analyzes the effects of burning rate catalysts on the theoretical specific impulse ( ISS ) and the pressure exponents of NEPE high energy solid propellants .
In order to study the effect of damage on the dangerous properties in the NEPE propellant , a series of experiments , including the damage production and observation and measurement , closed bomb test , have been performed .
The correlation between structure , thermal decomposition characteristics and burning rate of the monopropellants , including AP , HMX , RDX , CL-20 and NQ , was studied by the steady state combustion model based on the single-dimensional gas flow of solid propellants .
Temperature Distribution Measurement of High Energetic Monopropellant by Spectroscopic Diagnostic Technology
Design of Mechanics Response Prediction System for High Energy Solid Propellants