
  1. 在苏联地球植物学中,“植被型”一词是指主要高级单位。

    The term ' vegetation type ' designates the principal unit of major rank in Russian geobotany .

  2. 当高级单位遭受冻结时,低级别的单位就能轻松地把它们做掉。

    When higher tier units are frozen , lower tier units can mop them up with ease .

  3. 生态地理区域较高级单位的划分依据侧重考虑生物气候的差异,先注意水平地带性,由于气候台站的有限性,所划分出的界线往往用植被界线去修正;

    Division of higher class of eco geographical regions focuses on biological and climatic differences , first of all on horizontal zonality . Because of limitation of number of climatic stations , the boundary is always modified with vegetation .

  4. 但是一旦你成功了,你就可以用高级的单位消灭你的敌人。

    But once you get going you should be able to fend off your opponents attacks with your superior tech.

  5. 他们是些玩家可以在顶级科技树下获得的高级精英单位,是些掌握某种特定军事技术(如:剑术格斗)的典型。

    These are highly ranked elite units , available at the top of the tech tree who exemplify a mastery of a given martial technique ( E.g.sword fighting ) .

  6. 在局域和集合群落尺度上,科、属等高级分类单位比生活型更敏感地响应植物多样性格局的空间变化。

    At the local community and metacommunity level , the higher taxonomic units such as family and genera were more sensitive to space variation of plant diversity pattern than ecological type .

  7. 本文对生态系统水平的多样性进行了综合报道.其主要研究内客涉及(1)物种及高级分类单位的多样性;

    Diversity on the level of ecosystem is studied in this paper . Its research contents mainly deal with ( 1 ) diversity of species and their higher classified units such as family , order and the like ;

  8. 我国的注塑模CAD应用已经从引进到开发、由低级到高级、由少数单位到全面普及的发展过程中。

    In our country , the application of injection plastic mould CAD has been introduced and developed from low grade to high grade .