
  1. 高等院校精神文明建设的指导思想、奋斗目标和实施内容;

    On the guiding ideology , the objectives and contents for implementation ;

  2. 高等学校社会主义精神文明建设的评价

    Evaluation on Socialist Spiritual Civilization Construction in Higher Learning Institutions

  3. 论加强高等院校社会主义精神文明建设

    On Strengthening the Construction of Socialist Culture and Ethics in Universities and Colleges

  4. 学风建设是高等学校社会主义精神文明建设的重要内容,是关系高等学校荣辱兴衰的永恒主题。

    It is the most important part of the socialism spiritual civilization , and the perpetual tide in college life .

  5. 一些古代文明曾经进步到非常高等,比现代文明更辉煌,为何最后会趋于没落灭亡?

    Some ancient civilizations advanced to levels more glorious than that of modern society , but why did they ultimately decline ?

  6. 高等学校是政治文明教育的重要阵地,是孕育先进政治理念、构思良好政治制度、培养政治人才的场所。

    Institution of high learning , the place where political civilization is nurtured , brings forth advanced political ideas , create rational political systems and train political talents .

  7. 高等院校作为精神文明建设的重要阵地,尤其需要加强精神文明建设,发展社会主义先进文化,不断充实人的精神世界。

    As an important field in the construction of spiritual civilization , universities and colleges especially need reinforce spiritual civilization construction , develop socialist advanced culture and enrich the spiritual world of the people .

  8. 建设和谐校园对社会发展和高校建设都有十分重要的意义。高等院校作为传承文明、培养人才、服务社会、传播先进文化的大型的多功能组织,在构建和谐社会的过程中具有举足轻重的作用。

    The institutions of higher learning as advanced cultural large-scale multi-purpose organization for the inheritance of the civilization , the creation of the knowledge , the service society , the dissemination of culture , have the pivotal function in the process of constructing harmonious society .