
  1. 俄罗斯高等教育层次分类述评

    The Classification of the Layers of Higher Education in Russia

  2. 高等教育层次和科类结构研究

    A Study on Level and Field Structure of Higher Education

  3. 英国高等教育层次的开放实践始于1849年伦敦大学首创的校外学位制;

    The open experience of higher education in UK originated from the external degree in University of London ;

  4. 首先回顾了高等教育层次接结构、经济增长相关理论,以及在以往研究文献基础上分析与讨论高等教育教育层次结构调整与经济增长的关联机制。(2)比较分析法。

    Relationship between the layer structure of higher education and economic growth theory is reviewed . ( 2 ) Comparative analysis .

  5. 主要结论1.高等教育层次结构与经济增长的关联机制分别表现为静态和动态两种互动机理。

    Research Conclusions The layer structure of higher education and economic growth associated with each other in both static and dynamic interaction mechanism .

  6. 通过高校毕业生结构性失衡的实证分析,本文觉得其症结主要是高等教育层次结构和科类结构的失衡。

    The key to the structural imbalance of the graduates ( level structure and subject structure ) is the adjustment of the structure of higher education .

  7. 如民族医药高等教育层次较低,缺乏知识产权保护和民族医药专业人才,药物资源的可持续利用等问题。

    Such as nationality medicine higher education level is low , lack of protection for intellectual property and professionals of ethnic-minority medicine , medicine resources sustainable utilization etc. .

  8. 只有正确处理好教育国际化与本土化之间的关系,才能提升高等教育层次,体现中国教育发展的时代精神。

    Only by dealing properly with the relation between globalization and localization of education , can we promote university education level and realize the development of education in China .

  9. 本文在探讨高等教育层次结构内涵的基础上,对现状进行分析:高等教育层次比例失衡,结构不合理,层次内部关系界限不清;

    This article discusses the meaning of level structure of higher education , and analyses its actualities . It figures that the proportion of levels is unbalanceable , the structure is unsuitable , and the limit of inside relations is vague .

  10. 探讨在高等教育系统层次上质量保障与评估的框架,特别是采用课程体验问卷(CEQ)作为教学质量指标的调查情况;

    The paper focuses on system-level quality assurance and evaluation frameworks , in particular the use of the Course Experience Questionnaire ( CEQ ) as an indicator of the quality of teaching .

  11. 高等中医教育层次结构合理性研究(续)

    Study on the rationality of the level structure of higher TCM education ( continued )

  12. 另外,其高等教育结构层次比例失调也影响了高等教育的可持续发展。

    In addition , the imbalance of higher education has affected the sustainable development of higher education .

  13. 首先,对西部地区高等教育的层次结构、科类结构、形式结构、区域结构现状做生态分析。

    The thesis demonstrates an ecological analysis on higher education structure in Chinese western region , taking the value of ecology and ecological principles and methods into account .

  14. 它扩宽了高等教育本科层次的教育资源,增添了高等教育的办学活力,同时也满足了人民群众对接受高等教育多样化的需求。

    They broaden the undergraduate education resources , enhance the higher education vitality and meet the needs of the broad masses of the people to accept the higher education diversification .

  15. 用生态学的原理和方法,基于生态学的价值取向,对西部地区高等教育的层次结构、形式结构、区域结构现状做了生态分析。

    The article demonstrates an ecological analysis on the status quo of higher education in the west of China , taking the value of ecology and the ecological principles and methods into account .

  16. 高职音乐教育是音乐教育领域中的新生事物,它属于高等音乐教育层次,但同时又具有职业性和应用性特征;

    Music education of high vocational and technical college is a brand-new thing on music education , which belongs to the high music education level and has the characteristic of vocational and practical application to music education .

  17. 它应当具有严谨的体系和合理的结构,包括普通教育和职业教育两翼,初等、中等、高等教育各个层次,成长教育和继续教育各个阶段。

    It should have careful system and reasonable structure , include two parts of general education and vocational education , several levels of primary , secondary and higher education , two periods of growth education and further education .

  18. 介绍了发达国家和国内高等教育结构层次,主要叙述网络教育如何做好学历与非学历教育并重发展,多渠道合作办学形式,办出自身的特色和提高教学质量的必要性。

    The following aspects are mainly discussed : laying equal stress on the development of academic credential and non-academic credential education in network education , running a school through cooperation , having own characteristics and the necessity of advancing education quality .

  19. 研究生教育是高等教育最高层次,是一个国家高等教育水平的标志,同时也反映着一个国家智力资源的开发与储备,标志着一个国家科学技术与经济竞争的能力。

    Graduate education is the highest level of the higher education , it is a symbol of national higher education level , and at the same time also reflects a national intelligence resources development and reserves , it mark a national science technology and economic competition ability .

  20. 预科是高等教育的特殊层次。

    Pre-college is the special level of higher education .

  21. 关于高等医学专科教育层次的几个问题

    Some Problems Relating to 3-Year Professional Medical College As an Academic Education Level

  22. 研究生教育作为高等教育的最高层次,更需要国际化的导向。

    As the top level of higher education , the graduate education needs more internationalization .

  23. 相关医学和药学类高等教育规模和层次预测研究

    A Study of Prediction as to Scale and Levels of Paramedical and Pharmacy Higher Education

  24. 作为高等教育的最高层次,博士生教育受到越来越多的重视。

    Being the highest level of high education , the doctoral education is gaining more and more importance .

  25. 人口的不同指标从各种角度对高等教育进行不同层次的影响,其中最重要的是人口数量对毛入学率的作用。

    Population impact on higher education from a variety of different indicators at different levels , the most important is the number of people influence the gross enrollment rate .

  26. 留学生教育是当前我国高等教育的高层次,而留学生管理工作,是培养高层次人才的前提和基础。

    The education of overseas students is the high level of Chinese higher education , as to the Oversea students management system , it is the premise and foundation of cultivating high lever talents .

  27. 调整高等教育的结构层次,在增加高校数量的同时注重质量的提高,使辽宁省由教育大省转变为教育强省,为其经济发展提供强大的人力资源。

    Adjust the structure of higher education , while increasing the number of such institutions focus on quality improvement so that make Liaoning Province become an education province and provide human resources for economic development .

  28. 根据社会经济发展对高等教育人才培养层次和类型的不同要求,本文从七个方面对高等职业教育的教育教学观念的更新和教育教学改革等重要问题进行了探讨。

    According to the requirement of social economic development for different hierarchies and types of higher education , this thesis discusses some important questions of higher education such as concept updating and teaching reform from seven aspects .

  29. 美国文理学院以本科教育为主,授予学士学位,处于美国高等教育的中间层次,在大众化和多样化的美国高等教育体系中文理学院起着其他高等教育机构不可替代的特殊作用。

    At the intermediate level of American higher education , American liberal arts colleges , which provide various forms for the public , focus on four-year college programs with bachelor 's degrees and play an indispensable role in American higher education .

  30. 军校研究生教育作为军队高等教育的最高层次,担负着为我军培养能打仗、打胜仗的高素质新型军事人才的重任。

    Graduate education in the military academy , as the highest level of military higher education , bears the profound responsibility to produce high-quality new type military personnel for our army who are " competent to fight and fight to win " .