
The combined properties of high strength , high specific tenacity and good creep property at high-temperature make this alloy the important structural material for the aerospace industries .
Due to its excellent general properties , such as high specific strength and good creep-resisting property under high temperature , Titanium alloy is regarded as one of the backbone materials in aeronautics , aviation and military industries .
Temperature of reduction at first stage remarkably influences the anticreeping property of doped tungsten filament at high temperature .
It is found that with the increasement of fibre volume fraction , the composite material exhibits improved creep resistance .
The mechanics capability of magnesium alloy is good at normal temperature , but It is pool when the temperature is over 120 ℃, especially the capability of creep - resistant .
The rare earth magnesium alloy not only has the inherent advantages of magnesium alloy , but also can resist high temperature , creep resistance superior and other new benefits .
Comparing with Aluminum alloy , the poor properties of high temperature intension and creep resistance limit its application .
This paper describes the creep and its mechanismes , analyses the elements influencing the high-temperature structural ceramics creep and put forward measures of increasing creep resistance of the high-temperature structural ceramics according to facts .