
gāo wēn
  • high temperature;elevated temperature;hyperthermia;megatemperature
高温 [gāo wēn]
  • [high temperature] 较高的温度,在不同的情况下所指的具体数值不同

高温[gāo wēn]
  1. 它在高温中熔化。

    It melts at very high temperature .

  2. 氨在高温下燃烧分解成为氮和水。

    Combustion at high temperature causes decomposition to nitrogen and water .

  3. 把这些坚果放在高温烤架下面烤熟。

    Place under a hot grill until the nuts have toasted .

  4. 那张纸在高温下开始起皱卷曲。

    The paper started to shrivel and curl up in the heat .

  5. 这些植物在高温潮湿的环境中才能生长得旺盛。

    These plants need heat and humidity to grow well .

  6. 所使用的材料必须能够耐高温。

    The materials used have to be able to withstand high temperatures .

  7. 借助高温和大风,火势迅速蔓延。

    Aided by heat and strong winds , the fire quickly spread .

  8. 我觉得再也忍受不了这种高温了。

    I don 't think I can take much more of this heat .

  9. 在超过90华氏度的高温下,乘客热得要命。

    Passengers sweltered in temperatures of over 90 ˚ F.

  10. 在高温下所有的东西都好像在发光。

    Everything seemed to shimmer in the heat .

  11. 工厂里的高温令人无法忍受。

    The heat in the factory was unbearable .

  12. 在罗马的高温下,等待是一种折磨。

    In the heat of Rome , the wait was agonizing .

  13. 他患有哮喘病,经不起高温和潮湿。

    As an asthmatic , he cannot cope with the heat and humidity

  14. 门在高温高热下开始变形。

    The door was beginning to buckle from the intense heat

  15. 天气预报预测高温、大风和雷电天气将继续。

    Weather forecasts predict more hot weather , gusty winds and lightning strikes .

  16. 接近华氏100度的高温让他们感觉酷热难耐。

    They sweltered in temperatures rising to a hundred degrees

  17. 高温酷热让他大汗淋漓。

    He was sweating from the intense heat

  18. 高温和潮湿让人难以忍受。

    The heat and humidity were insufferable .

  19. 钢架在烈火的高温下开始变形。

    The steel frame began to buckle under the intense heat of the fire .

  20. 日间的高温使葡萄中糖的含量增加了。

    High day temperatures increase the sugar content of the grapes .

  21. 高温使那房子的油漆起了泡。

    The heat blistered the paint on the building .

  22. 接近1050℃的异常高温可用镓温度计测量。

    Exceptionally high temperatures , up to1050 ℃ can be measured with gallium thermometers .

  23. 高温使铁熔化。

    Great heat melts iron .

  24. 根据城市气候领导联盟C40的数据,城市的极端高温天气可能导致死亡率上升14%,并会导致人们的劳动效率降低,损害道路和铁轨等基础设施。C40在全球拥有97个成员城市。

    According to C40 , a climate leadership group made up of 97 cities around the world , extreme heat events in cities can cause mortality increases of up to 14 % , as well as lower workforce such as roads and rail lines .

  25. 这是因为:夏季的高温和湿度会加剧香水的扩散和变化过程。

    The summer heat and humidity can intensify and evolution process .

  26. 由于异常的高温,秘鲁海岸的海水温度变化异常,影响了当地的凤尾鱼捕捞业。

    Waters off the Peruvian coast become unusually warm , destroying the local anchovy fishing industry .

  27. 用作硬质合金,磁性材料,金刚石工具,高温合金,可充电池等

    Applications : used in carbide alloy , diamond tools , biding admixture , high-temperature alloy , rechargeable cell .

  28. 全球顶级科学家预测,在未来几十年里,暖季将变得更长,冷季将更短,同时极端高温等极端天气将变得更加频繁。

    The world 's leading scientists have projected that in the coming decades , there would be increasing heat waves , longer warm seasons and shorter cold seasons .

  29. 报告明确指出:毫无疑问,人类活动是海平面上升、极地冰川融化、高温、洪水以及旱灾等气候快速变化事件的原因。

    Human activity was “ unequivocally ” the cause of rapid changes to the climate , including sea level rises , melting polar ice and glaciers , heat waves , floods and droughts .

  30. 并根据高温热力学数据对采用不同pH调节剂时,高温实际溶液的pH值进行了计算和分析。

    The practical solution pH values at high temperature were calculated and analyzed .