
  • 网络High-piled wharf;pile-wharf structures
  1. 高桩码头CAD绘图系统的开发与研究

    Development and Study of Computer Aided Drawing Design System for Pile Supported Piers

  2. 采用ANSYS软件对某高桩码头拟改建后的基桩桩力进行了有限元分析。

    Software ANSYS was utilized to conduct FE analysis of the foundation-pile bearing capacity of the wharf to be renovated .

  3. 实际的码头结构计算中应根据需要,扬长避短,使ANSYS这一软件更好地应用于高桩码头的空间结构有限元计算。

    It is necessary to keep the advantage and avoid weakness on principle in actual calculating high-piled wharf , so the ANSYS is used in space finite element calculation of the high-piled wharf .

  4. 大量震害表明,土体液化、码头结构性能和节点抗震性能不恰当是造成高桩码头(pile-wharfstructures)破坏的主要原因。

    Earthquake reconnaissance efforts suggests that the damage of pile-wharf structures results from liquefaction of surrounding soil , inadequate structural performance and the anti-seismic performance .

  5. 基于VRML-Java的高桩码头结构布置虚拟场景的实现

    Reality of Virtual Environment of Structure Disposal of the High-pile Wharf Based on VRML and Java

  6. 为构建基于交互式虚拟环境下的高桩码头结构布置和用户的实时交互式浏览系统,本课题对基于VRML虚拟现实技术在高桩码头结构设计中的应用进行研究。

    In order to constructing system of structure disposal of the high-pile wharf and real time interactivity for user , I progress the research for application of virtual reality technology based on VRML in structure design of the high-pile wharf .

  7. 针对目前高桩码头抗震设计中所存在的桩土相互作用对桩受力问题进行了分析,采用了非线性土p-y曲线桩土相互作用模式,编制了计算程序。

    The effects of nonlinear soil-pile interaction on the aseismic design of piled wharf pier is studied . Nonlinear p - y curve is adopted in the modelling of the soil - pile interaction and a computing program is complied .

  8. 对《高桩码头设计与施工规范》(JTJ291-98)中的纵梁计算跨度提出了修改建议。

    Moreover , it puts forward suggestions to modification of the calculation span of longitudinal girder stipulated in the Design and Construction Code of High-piled Wharf ( JTJ291-98 ) .

  9. 针对上述需要,本文结合交通部天津水运工程科学研究院中央公益性基金项目(TKS070204)对高桩码头横梁的可靠性进行分析计算。

    Then , this paper is combining with part study of the projects of the central public fund ( TKS070204 ) which is belongs to Tianjin Research Institute for Water Transport Engineering .

  10. 根据对天津港高桩码头岸坡现状的调查,利用REAME程序分析了泥沙淤积对码头岸坡整体稳定性的影响。

    Based on the investigation of the bank slope conditions of the open type pier on piles in Tianjin Port , the effect of sediment deposition on the whole bank stability of open type pier on piles is analyzed by using the program REAME .

  11. 高桩码头位移原因分析及其预防措施

    Analysis of Causes and Precautionary Measures against Displacement of Piled Wharfs

  12. 高桩码头面层龟裂的产生原因和防治措施

    Formation Causes of Cracks in Piled Wharf Surface and Preventive Measures

  13. 船舶作用力在高桩码头排架中的分配

    Distribution of Horizontal Force due to Ship on Long Piled Wharf

  14. 高桩码头横梁裂缝成因分析与对策

    Cause Analysis of Cracks in Beam of Piled Wharf and Countermeasures

  15. 试论高桩码头设计使用年限100年

    Discussion on Design Useful Life of 100 Years of Piled Wharfs

  16. 天津港高桩码头岸坡变形规律研究

    Study on deformation of a high-pile wharf slope from field observation

  17. 高桩码头上部结构的陆上安装

    Installation of Slabs & Beams of High piled Wharf on Land

  18. 高桩码头维护检测有关问题的探讨

    Discussion on Maintenance and Inspection for Open Type Pier on Piles

  19. 高桩码头岸坡的滑坡与分析

    Landslide and analysis of the bank slope of the piled wharf

  20. 高桩码头横梁极限承载力有限元分析

    Finite element analysis on ultimate bearing capacity of high-pile wharf crossbeam

  21. 高桩码头设计按空间与平面计算方法的比较

    Comparison between Space and Plane Calculation Methods for High-Piled Wharf Design

  22. 高桩码头对河道流场影响的数值模拟

    Numerical simulation of river flow patterns affected by standing pile wharf

  23. 线性回归方程在高桩码头变形监测中的应用

    Application of Linear Regression Equation to Monitoring Deformation of High-pile Wharf

  24. 无掩护状态下的高桩码头施工技术要点研究

    Without the Cover of a State of High-pile Pier Construction Techniques

  25. 在役高桩码头耐久性等级的灰色综合评估

    Grey multi-hierarchical comprehensive evaluation on existing pile wharf 's durability grade

  26. 高桩码头锚岩桩施工

    Construction of Rock - Embedding Pile for High Piled Wharf

  27. 高桩码头结构中伸缩缝有关问题的探讨

    Approach to Expansion Joint of Open Type Pier on Piles

  28. 新型高桩码头的减震措施

    Measures to Reduce Seismic Hazard to New Type Piled Jetties

  29. 高桩码头叉桩震害分析及设计建议

    Seismic Analysis of and Design Suggestions for Batter - Piles in Pile-Wharfs

  30. 在港口工程领域,高桩码头是一种常见的码头结构形式。

    In harbor engineering , high-piled wharf is an common structure form .