
  • 【地名】【日本】Takamatsu
  1. 高松装密度CeO2的制备研究

    Study and Preparation of Highbulk Density Cerium Dioxide

  2. 碳酸氢铵沉淀制备高松装密度氧化铈

    Preparation of High Bulk Density Cerium Oxide by Ammonium Bicarbonate Precipitation

  3. 高松装比氧化铈的制备

    Preparation of High Loose Specific Weight Cerium Oxide

  4. 试验表明:该工艺能生产出高松装比产品。

    The result shows that the process can produce high loose specific weight product .

  5. 日本高松地区健康促进温浴中心

    Health SPA Center in Takamatsu , Japan

  6. 高松装密度五氧化二铌的研究

    Research of High - density Niobium Oxide

  7. 有人说这是高松年开的玩笑,存心拆开他们俩。

    Some people said this was Kao 's prank-a deliberate attempt to break them apart .

  8. 辛楣说,高松年早知道了,准备开除那学生。

    Hsin-mei said that Kao knew all about it and was planning to expel the student .

  9. 高松装密度硝基胍的制备

    Preparation of high bulk density nitroguanidine

  10. 高松年事先并没有这番意见,临时信口胡扯一阵。

    Kao had not always held this view but had merely spouted it out on the spur of the moment .

  11. 《泰晤士报》的评论家认为这部戏主题轻松高松年想不到一个说谎者会这样泰然无事;

    The critics in Times said it was rather light Kao Sung-nien never thought a liar could be so calm and unruffled .

  12. 一个十四岁的孩子在高松纳利街被捕,他的口袋里装满了子弹。

    A child fourteen years of age was arrested in the Rue de la cossonerie , with his pockets full of cartridges .

  13. 我参加了一个私人赞助商的仪式,他是在日本城市高松非常有声望的手表制造商。

    I attended a function for a personal sponsor , Richard Mille who are a prestigious watch manufacturer in a town called Takamatsu .

  14. 高松(音译),23岁,北京理工大学毕业生,在京郊通州区租了一个两居室。

    Gao Song , a 23-year-old graduate from Beijing Institute of Technology , lives in a two-bedroom apartment near Tongzhou , a suburban area .

  15. 如果让形势自然发展自行了结,则双方均无优势。高松年愤怒得双手握拳,作势向他挥着。

    If the situation works itself out naturally neither side has an advantage . Kao angrily clenched his fists and shook them at the floor .

  16. 刘东方主意已定,先向高松年提议,高松年就请赵辛楣来会商。

    His mind made up , Liu first put the suggestion to Kao Sung-nien , who then asked Chao Hsin-mei to come in for a conference .

  17. 不料高松年省他起稿子写信的麻烦,干脆不送聘约给他。

    Hung-chien never anticipated that Kao would save him the trouble of drafting or writing a letter by simply not sending him any contract at all .

  18. 高松年顿一顿,试探鸿渐是不是善办交涉的人,因为善办交涉的人决不会这时候替他说他自己许下的条件的。

    Kao Sung-nien paused a moment to see how good a negotiator Hung-chien was , for a good negotiator would never at this point recite the promised terms for him .

  19. 由此推测,高松矿田找矿潜力很大,而且,整个矿区的D值大于4个子区域的D值,说明个旧矿区东区仍然存在巨大的找矿潜力。

    Moreover , D value of the whole mine area larger than those of the four ore field indicate a giant potential for further prospecting in the east Gejiu mine area .

  20. 明天上午,辛楣先上校长室去,说把鸿渐的事讲讲明白,叫鸿渐等着,听了回话再去见高松年。

    Next morning Hsin-mei told Hung-chien that he would see the president the first thing and get hung-chien 's case straightened out , instructing Hung-chien to wait until he came back before going to see Kao sung-nien .