
gāo míng
  • clever;brilliant;wise;bright;better qualified;wise or skillful person
高明 [gāo míng]
  • [clever;bright;brilliant] 见解独到不同凡人,或技艺高超

  • 在整个八路军医务系统中,他的医术是很高明的。--《纪念白求恩》

  • [wise or skillful person] 具有独到见解,高超技艺的人

  • 另请高明

高明[gāo míng]
  1. 他善于发现问题,还总能想出高明的策略。

    He had a nose for trouble and a brilliant tactical mind

  2. 最后,他高明的法律手腕使他如愿以偿。

    In the end , his brilliant legal footwork paid off .

  3. 高明的律师也许能找到绕过那个条款的办法。

    A clever lawyer might find a way of getting round that clause .

  4. 高明的建议最终占了上风。

    In the end , wiser counsels prevailed .

  5. 她比我高明,但那也没什么了不起。

    She 's a better player than me , but that 's not saying much .

  6. 一些分析家认为,他的这一政治举措很高明。

    Some analysts believe he has made a canny political manoeuvre .

  7. 那些熟悉桑德斯的人都称他为手段高明的政治家。

    Those familiar with Sanders call him a consummate politician .

  8. 这件事是处心积虑、早有预谋的,更不用说其手段的高明。

    It was both deliberate and malicious , not to mention clever .

  9. 阿特利聪明过人,对局势的把握颇为高明。

    Attlee was extremely intelligent and his grasp of the situation was masterly .

  10. 我被他高明的推销技巧给征服了。

    I was captured by his brilliant salesmanship .

  11. 他隐瞒自己真实动机的手段十分高明。

    His concealment of his true motives was masterly

  12. 他是一个性格坚定的人,非常有见解,外交手段高明。

    He was a man of forceful character , with considerable insight and diplomatic skills .

  13. 布拉纳对这部剧进行了高明的删改。

    Branagh has cut the play judiciously

  14. 总统玩了一场高明的外交游戏,因为从一开始他就要求和美国直接对话。

    The President has played a shrewd diplomatic game because from the outset he called for direct talks with the United States

  15. 骗术高明。

    One 's art of fraud is skillful [ superb ] .

  16. 他夸耀自己技术高明。

    He made brag of his skill .

  17. 要成为有成就的政治家,就必须有高明的策略。

    If you want to be a successful politician , you must make yourself able in tactics .

  18. 高明高明!

    You are really smart !

  19. 为学习差的学生特别留一些练习是高明的。

    It is wise to assign special exercises to the weaker students .

  20. 他这一手一点儿也不高明。

    This move of his is not at all clever .

  21. 作为一名棒球投手,约翰比詹姆斯高明得多。

    As a pitcher , john is better than James by a long chalk .

  22. 他的手法并不高明。

    His tricks are none too clever .

  23. 你认为像汤姆这样一个心不在焉的家伙能成为一名手艺高明的木匠吗?

    Do you think that an absent-minded fellow like Tom can become a master carpenter ?

  24. 我母亲是一个高明的厨师,远远超过了其他任何人。

    My mother is such a good cook she knocks anyone else into a cocked hat .

  25. 主席自认为他审视人比别人高明。

    The chairman flatters himself on his judgment of people .

  26. 米其林二星代表“厨艺高明,值得绕道前往”。

    Two Michelin stars meant " excellent cooking , worth a detour4 . "

  27. 时间也许是个高明的医师,但却是个蹩脚的美容师

    Time may be a great healer , but it 's a poor beautician .

  28. 愚顽人不再称为高明、吝啬人不再称为大方。

    The vile person shall be no more called liberal , nor the churl said to be bountiful .

  29. 惠子听了连连点头,承认庄子比自己高明。

    After hearing this , Hui Zi nodded repeatedly and admitted that Zhuang Zi was wiser than he .

  30. 魏王惊奇地说:“你不用箭就能把飞鸟射下来,你射箭的技术真高明啊!”

    The King of Wei said in surprise : " You can shoot down a bird without an arrow . Your skill in archery is really wonderful . "