
  1. 本文结合关中高新技术产业带网络化制造系统开发与应用项目,研究基于B/S模式的CAD网络化设计技术,实现制造资源的共享。

    According to the research project named GuanZhong networked manufacturing system , the computer aided networked design technology based on B / S mode will be studied to realize manufacturing resource share .

  2. 高新技术产业带区划理论模型研究

    A Theoretical Model of Regionalization in High-Technical Estate Zone

  3. 合作建设京津高速公路沿线高新技术产业带;

    In construction of the high-tech industrial belt along the expressway of Beijing-Tianjin-Tanggu ;

  4. 并提出推进大连旅顺南路高新技术产业带建设的策略措施。

    And propose strategy and measure to the Dalian Lushun South Road high-tech industry belt .

  5. 产业集聚论与山东省沿海高新技术产业带发展建设策略

    Industry Agglomeration Theory and Strategy for Construction of Coastland High-tech Industrial Belts in Shandong Province

  6. 该系统是关中高新技术产业带网络化制造系统的重要组成部分。

    The System is the important part of Networked Manufacturing in Advanced Technology Industry Area of GuanZhong .

  7. 对于高新技术产业带的空间布局,国际和国内都在实践中不断地探索。

    The international and the domestic explore unceasingly the spatial layout of the high-tech industry belt in practice .

  8. 战略重点包括:以加强电子信息、新材料、先进制造和生物领域为主的技术重点,以发展新兴产业和产业链龙头为主的产品重点,以沿319国道长沙高新技术产业带为主的产业布局重点。

    Strategic focal point includes : technology focal point of strengthening electrical information , new material , advanced manufacture and biology field ;

  9. 川渝发展高新技术产业带的可行性与基本策略基于点-轴理论的渝怀铁路产业带建设分析

    Analysis of feasibility and basic policy for building the high-tech industry zone in Sichuan and Chongqing Study of Yu-Huai Railway Based on Point-Axis Theory

  10. 根据增长极和点轴布局理论,探讨了湖北省高新技术产业带点轴带的渐进式布局发展过程。

    Based on the systematic analysis by use of " growing pole theory " and " point-axis lay-out theory ", the inevitability and objectivity of Hubei new hi-tech industrial belt 's formation are discussed in the article .

  11. 构建成(都)绵(阳)德(阳)高新技术产业带对四川和西部地区知识经济的发展、可持续发展的实施和经济增长方式的转变均具有重要意义。

    It is very important to develop Chengdu-Mianyang-Deyang new and high-technology industry zone for development of knowledge economy , implement of sustainable development and transformation of methods of economic growth in Sichuan province and the west of China .

  12. 江苏中小企业集群发展格局将形成三个产业带:高新技术产业带、沿江基础产业带、沿东陇海线的基础产业带;

    The development pattern of SMES Cluster of Jiangsu will form three industrial zones : industrial zone of new and high technology , riverine basic industrial zone , and the basic industrial zone of along the east line of Gansu-Qinghai Railway .

  13. 强化产业带内部的功能分区,参照深圳高新技术产业带的模式划分为9个主导功能区和5个辅助功能区,总体呈现9+5珠链式布局。

    Strengthen industry belt interior function district , referring to the pattern of Shenzhen high-tech industry belt , divide 9 dominant functions areas and 5 auxiliary functions areas , the overall taking on the " 9 + 5 " chain layout .

  14. 最后,本文在山东省沿海高新技术产业带建设中的制度创新、融资渠道、成果转化、人才培育和政府服务等方面提出了相应的配置策略,力争起到一定的指导和借鉴作用。

    Finally this thesis gives some suggestions for the construction of coastland high-tech industrial belts in Shandong province in terms of system innovation , financing channels , high-tech production transformation , HR cultivation and government service and tries to provide some use for guidance and reference .

  15. 以西安为龙头的关中高新技术产业开发带已经崛起

    A. The establishment of high and new technology industry development zones of Guanzhong with Xi'an as the head

  16. 关中城市群是我国十大城市群的重要组成部分,是陕西经济的核心区、西部地区唯一的高新技术产业开发带和星火科技产业带,也是西北乃至西部地区的比较优势区域。

    Guanzhong urban agglomeration is an important constituent of the ten urban agglomerations at home , the core area of Shanxi economy , the only high-tech industrial belt of western region and also the comparatively dominant area of northwest and even western region .

  17. 同时,在科技企业孵化器、科技园区发展的基础上,德阳市开始了旨在改造传统产业,推动地区经济发展的高新技术产业开发带的建设,形成三位一体发展的独特模式。

    Further more , on the development of the incubator of science and technology enterprise and the Zone , begins to focus on reconstructing the traditional industry , building the high tech industry belt which will promote the local economic development , and shapes the particular triune developing mode .

  18. 我国高新区技术产业的发展始于20世纪80年代,至今,已相继建立了56个国家级高新技术产业开发区,形成7个高新技术产业密集带。

    The high and new-tech industry of our country was started since the 80s of the 20th century . Until now , there are 56 National High and New-tech Industry Development Zones have been established in succession and 7 high and new-tech industry intensive zones were formed gradually .