
  1. 经济与环境的可持续发展与城市规划的本源&浅析高新技术产业区项目策划与生态规划

    Sustainable Development of Economy and Environment and Origin of City Planning

  2. 生态化改造高新技术产业区与传统产业区的方法比较

    Comparison of Eco-Construction Methods of High-Tech Industrial Parks and Conventional Industrial Parks

  3. 推进东莞市第二次工业革命建设高新技术产业区

    Advance the second industrial revolution and establish High-new Technical Enterprise Zone in Dongguan City

  4. 已建的高新技术产业区和传统产业区都面临生态化改造的需求。

    Both high-tech industrial parks and conventional industrial parks need to be eco-constructed into EIPs .

  5. 本文比较分析了我国高新技术产业区与传统产业区生态化改造方法的差异。

    In this paper , differences in eco-construction of high-tech industrial parks and conventional industrial parks are analysed .

  6. 1988年成都市筹建了高新技术产业区,并于1991年被批准为首批国家高新技术产业开发区。

    Chengdu high-tech industrial zone was build in 1988 and in 1991 it was approved as one of the first national high-tech industrial development zones .

  7. 与此同时,一大批高新技术产业区、保税区、出口加工区及至边境经济合作区星罗棋布地在全国形成燎原之势。

    In the meantime , many high technology areas , tax free areas , import & export areas and economical cooperation areas along the borders are scattered all over China .

  8. 运用企业集群理论,研究企业集群的内在机制,探索高技术产业发展的经济规律,对我国进一步发展高新技术产业区具有一定的指导意义。

    Applying the theory of cluster , researching internal mechanism of cluster and exploring economic rule of high tech industry have definite directive meaning for our country to develop high tech industrial districts .

  9. 吉林人学工商管理硕士学位论文本文的研究对象为,l的9年一设立国家仓lJ新基金以术,国家它日新华分在t交春高新技术产业开发区结案的61个项日。

    The objects of the research are the 61 programs that have performed in the new-and high-tech development zone in Changchun since the establishment of the Innovation Fund in our c country .

  10. 成都高新技术产业开发区企业集群研究

    The Research on Enterprise Clusters of Chengdu Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone

  11. 高新技术产业开发区居民出行规律浅析

    Elementary Analysis to Journey Law of Residents in Hi-tech Industrial Zone

  12. 高新技术产业开发区产业簇群发展研究

    Research of the industrial cluster in the high-tech industry development zone

  13. 乌鲁木齐高新技术产业开发区发展研究

    Study on the Development of the Urumqi High-tech Industry Development District

  14. 南昌高新技术产业开发区发展循环经济研究

    Study on Developing Circular Economy in Nanchang High-tech Industrial Development Zone

  15. 现代农业与新型的城乡关系&国家杨凌农业高新技术产业示范区规划实践的启示

    Modern Agriculture and New Style of Urban - Countryside Relationship

  16. 宝鸡高新技术产业开发区土地集约利用评价

    Evaluation of Land Use of Baoji High-Tech Industrial Development Zone

  17. 2003年全省国家高新技术产业开发区统计分析报告

    Report 2003 on National Hi-Tech Industry Development Zones in Shandong

  18. 制度创新与高新技术产业开发区的发展

    Research on Institutional Innovation and Development of Hi - tech Industrial Zone

  19. 济南高新技术产业开发区海关综合保税仓库

    Jinan high & New Technical Industry Development Zone Customs multiple bonded storage

  20. 略论高新技术产业开发区选址

    Location Option Of The New-high Technology Industry Development Zone

  21. 以循环经济理念构筑兰州高新技术产业开发区

    Constructing High-tech Industrial Development Zones in Lanzhou with the Idea of Circular Economy

  22. 目前,全国已有53个国家级高新技术产业开发区。

    At present , the country has 53 state-level high-tech industrial development zones .

  23. 南昌国家高新技术产业开发区发展及投资效益分析

    Analysis on Return on Investment and Development of Nanchang State High-tech Development Zoo

  24. 东北地区高新技术产业开发区发展状况评价研究

    An Appraisement of the Developing State of High-tech Industrial Development Zones in Northeast China

  25. 高新技术产业开发区是科研成果商品化、产业化的重要基地。

    High-tech industrial development zones are the important bases of research commercialization and industrialization .

  26. 苏州高新技术产业开发区电器检测所

    Suzhou New & HI-TECH Industrial Development Zone Testing and Inspection Institute for Electrical Equipment

  27. 高新技术产业开发区筹集资金的问题探讨

    Study on Problem of Raising Funds of Developing-zone of High & New Technology Industry

  28. 迈向21世纪&西安高新技术产业开发区规划简介

    Toward twenty-first century & introduction to the planning for Xian hi-tech industrial development zone

  29. 高新技术产业开发区可持续发展评价指标体系的研究

    The Research about the Evaluation Index System Of High - tech Industry Development Zone

  30. 张掖国家级农业高新技术产业示范区规划研究

    Study on the Planning of the State High-tech Demonstration District of Agriculture in Zhangye