
  • 网络Gaussian filter;Gaussian Filtering;gauss filter
  1. 在希尔伯特空间中,通过应用分析信号法和高斯滤波法,我们分析了N台激光系统中相邻激光之间的位相同步。

    By virtue of the analytic signal and the Gaussian filter methods in the Hilbert space , we analyze the phase synchronization of the nearest lasers .

  2. 基于高斯滤波C-V模型分割算法的改进

    Improvement of C-V segmentation model based on Gaussian filter

  3. 基于新一代GPS体系的表面稳健高斯滤波技术的研究

    Novel GPS-Based Robust Gaussian Filtering for Surface Texture

  4. 本文针对Laplace算子的缺点,利用高斯滤波函数得到LoG算子。

    For the shortcomings of Laplace operator , LoG operator is obtained by Gauss filtering function .

  5. 针对上述问题,采用各向异性高斯滤波对Canny算法进行了改进。

    We improved the Canny algorithm by replacing the Gaussian convolution with anisotropic Gauss filtering .

  6. 分析几种常用的滤波方法并根据CCD成像过程中产生的噪声特点,重点分析高斯滤波技术;分析图像的二值化算法并详细讨论双峰法。

    Several filtration methods are analyzed and according to the characteristic of CCD noises producing in the process of imaging , Gaussian filtration is analyzed in detail .

  7. 本文提出了一种基于Canny理论,利用多尺度自适应高斯滤波技术的Canny自适应边缘检测方法。

    Based on Canny theory and multiscale adaptive Gauss filtering , an adaptive Canny edge-detection method is proposed in this paper .

  8. 在分析LOG算子边缘检测理论的基础上,比较了高斯滤波和样条滤波的优劣,提出了用样条滤波代替高斯滤波,提高信噪比,改善边缘检测效果。

    After analyzing the edge detection theories of LOG operator , a modified algorithm is proposed in the paper . Using B-Spine filtering instead of Gaussian filtering improves signal to noise ratio and enhances LOG edge detection .

  9. 在讨论现有表面粗糙度高斯滤波方法的优缺点的基础上,推导了高斯回归滤波及高斯稳健滤波的卷积算法和快速傅里叶算法过程,编写了算法的C语言代码。

    On the basis of comprehensive researches of the existing Gaussian filtering method for surface roughness , the convolution algorithm and fast Fourier transform algorithm for the Gaussian regression filter and Gaussian robust filter have been deduced and the C codes have been programmed .

  10. 研究了均值滤波、SUSAN滤波、高斯滤波和中值滤波技术,对缺陷图像进行了平滑去噪处理,最后选用快速中值滤波并取得了良好的效果,为下一步图像分割打好了基础。

    The paper studies mean filter , SUSAN filter , median filter and gauss filter technology , and selects the fast median filter to get good smoothing result of pavement image .

  11. 该方法对原始图像进行高斯滤波和sobel滤波,结合给定的阀值消除弱边缘,降低分水岭变换的过分割程度。

    The original image was preprocessed with Gaussian filter and Sobel filter , on which thresholding is performed to remove weak edge pixels .

  12. 帧内降噪方面,研究了现有的几种降噪方法,如邻域平均法、维纳滤波、高斯滤波、Butterworth滤波等方法,并对这些方法进行了实验。

    In respect of intra-frame method , neighborhood average method , Wiener filtering , Gaussian filtering and Butterworth filtering were researched and tested .

  13. 本文以FPGA为平台,使用VHDL硬件描述语言设计并实现了中值滤波、顺序滤波、数学形态学、卷积运算和高斯滤波等图像处理算法。

    This thesis consists of designing and implementing of digital image algorithms such as median filter , rank order filter , morphological operators , convolution and gaussian filter using FPGA in standard hardware description language VHDL .

  14. 针对光照、采集设备变化等问题,引入了结合Gamma校正、差分高斯滤波(DoG)和对比度均衡化三种技术的光照预处理方法,获得了良好效果。

    To address the problems of the variation of illumination , acquisition device etc , Gamma correction , difference of gaussian ( DoG ) filter and contrast equalization are adopted to preprocess the images and our experiments prove its effectiveness .

  15. 本文研究在多路径传播的条件下跟踪低空目标的滤波技术,给出了两种滤波算法:交互多模算法(IMM)算法和非高斯滤波算法。

    In this paper two algorithms have been proposed to track the low-elevation targets in the presence of multipath : the interacting multiple model ( IMM ) algorithm and the non-Gaussian filtering algorithm .

  16. 在此验证系统的上,实现了统计排序滤波、中值滤波、形态学滤波、高斯滤波、拉普拉斯算子和Sobel算子等典型的图像预处理算法。

    Several typical image preprocessing algorithms , such as statistic order filter , median filter , Morphological filter , Gaussian filter , Laplacian and Sobel operator etc , are implemented on the system .

  17. 针对算法对成像条件适应性差的问题,引入多尺度自适应高斯滤波降噪算法、以及基于图像梯度幅值直方图的自适应Canny边缘检测算法,对已有陨石坑检测算法进行了改进,得到自适应陨石坑检测算法。

    For the problem of poor adaptability to imaging conditions , the algorithm is improved by introducing Multi-scale Adaptive Gaussian Filter and Adaptive Canny Operator based on image gradient magnitude histogram , which results in Adaptive Crater Detection Algorithm .

  18. 针对Canny型边缘检测算法中高斯滤波对图像造成过度平滑及边缘移位的现象,论文提出了用非线性小波耦合阈值代替高斯滤波的一种新型边缘检测算法。

    As Gaussian filter will result in over-smoothness and edge movement of the original image in the Canny edge detection , a new algorithm is proposed in which the Gaussian filter is replaced with the nonlinear wavelet coupled threshold .

  19. 介绍了图像数字化原理的基本概念,以及图像预处理的两个基本过程:图像滤波和图像分割,其中采用高斯滤波优化算法进行图像滤波,采用分水岭算法和OTSU优化算法进行图像分割。

    Introduces the basic concept of image digitization and the two process of image pre-processing : image filtering and image segmentation , using the Gaussian filter optimization algorithm for image filtering , the watershed algorithm and the OTSU optimization algorithm for image segmentation .

  20. 文章中,比较分析了均值滤波、高斯滤波、修正加权滤波、卡尔曼滤波的性能。通过实验仿真得出,对于RSSI信号处理,卡尔曼滤波较优。

    In this article , the author compared and analyzed the performance of mean filter , Gaussian filter , weighted modification filter and Kalman filter , and the simulation results stated the Kalman filter was the best one for RSSI signal processing .

  21. 根据无线数据传输的特点,将高斯滤波的技术运用于MSK调制技术,设计了一种适合无线数据传输的GMSK调制解调器,给出了实现原理、系统框图和软件控制流程图。

    This article applies the Gaussion filter on MSK modulation after thinking out of characteristic of wireless data transfer , and designs a sort of GMSK modem which fits the wireless data transfer , also presents the formula , system frame and frame of soft control .

  22. 二维高斯滤波法在尿囊膜血管检测中的应用

    2-D Gaussian filters for detecting blood vessels in allantois membrane images

  23. 基于图像信噪比选择优化高斯滤波尺度

    Selecting the Optimal Gaussian Filtering Scale via the SNR of Image

  24. 选择高斯滤波进行预处理,增大了主动轮廓控制点的搜索范围。

    Choose Gaussian filter to strengthen the searching scope of control points .

  25. 减小表面粗糙度测量高斯滤波幅度偏差

    Decreasing the amplitude characteristic deviation of Gaussian filter in surface roughness measurements

  26. 基于线性高斯滤波的反干扰跟踪方法

    A Method for Anti-Jamming Tracking Based on Linear Gauss Filtering

  27. 基于高斯滤波与可信度判别的改进指纹增强算法

    Improved algorithm for fingerprint enhancement based on Gaussian filtering and reliability discriminant

  28. 系统分析了异常信号对开环高斯滤波性能的影响。

    The influence of outlier signal on GFO is analyzed .

  29. 高斯滤波对圆柱体直径评定结果的影响

    Effect of Gaussian Filtering on Evaluation Result of Cylinder Diameters

  30. 高斯滤波在花岗石表面粗糙度研究中的应用

    Application of Gauss Filtering in Study of Roughness to Granite Surface Profiles