
  • 网络High-Performance Computing Systems;HPCS
  1. 高性能计算系统,快速的未来互联网,跨层优化接入网络,无线网络等。

    High-performance computing systems , fast future internet , cross-layer optimized access networks .

  2. 能耗并行加速比:高性能计算系统综合性能的有效度量

    Power Parallel Speedup : An Effective Metric for Evaluating the Comprehensive Performance of High-Performance Computing Systems

  3. HPCC-WS:基于Web服务的集群高性能计算系统

    HPCC-WS : A Web Service-Based High Performance Computing Cluster System

  4. 最后,在该GPU高性能计算系统上对这两个应用领域的关键计算算例进行测试验证,并与CPU高性能计算平台进行了比较验证分析。

    Finally , we use these two key areas of test cases for calculation and validation on the GPU high-performance computing systems .

  5. 建立了对拉普拉斯偏微分方程求解的混合并行算法,并在HL-2A高性能计算系统上同纯MPI算法作了性能方面的比较。

    Designed a hybrid parallel algorithm of Laplace 's equation , and compared its performance with pure MPI algorithm on the HL-2A high performance computing system .

  6. 基于HPCC和层次分析法的高性能计算系统评价模型

    AHPCC : A High Performance Computer System Evaluation Model Based on HPCC and Analytic Hierarchy Process

  7. 然而已有的负载模式模型是针对应用于高性能计算系统中的torus网络或传统分组交换结构所设计的,并不适用于T-PSF。

    The previously published load pattern models are designed for traditional PSF or torus networks used in high performance computing systems , and they are not appropriate for T-PSF .

  8. 基于集群技术构建聚变研究高性能计算系统

    Construction of high performance computing system for fusion research using cluster technology

  9. 这种高性能计算系统一般被称为机群计算系统。

    This is called parallel computers system .

  10. 集群系统提高了系统的伸缩性和可用性,既提高了高性能计算系统的性能,同时也降低了成本。

    The cluster enhances the retractility and usability of the system as well as cuts down the cost of the system .

  11. 多核处理器的出现解决了处理器性能的瓶颈问题,被广泛运用于高性能计算系统的构建,成为高性能计算结点的主要组成部分。

    The technology of multi-core processor is widely used in high performance computing system in order to overcome the bottleneck of the processor performance .

  12. 在构建高性能计算系统的过程中,存储系统的性能是影响其计算性能的主要因素。

    During the progress of building HPC Systems , the performance of its storage system is one of the main factors of its computational performance .

  13. 对于分布式高性能计算系统来说,模拟免疫机理实现计算系统的性能监控和评估是一个崭新的研究途径。

    Simulating biological immune mechanism to implement performance monitoring and evaluation of computing systems is a new research approach for the distributed high performance computing environment .

  14. 而工作站集群系统是并行处理领域中一个新的技术发展方向,是实现高性能计算系统的一个有效途径。

    And the network of workstation is a direction of new technology in parallel processing area and an effective way in realizing highly efficient computer system .

  15. 因此得出结论,本文设计的系统,在增加了较小的额外开销的情况下,有效地实现了并行作业的自动容错功能,提高了高性能计算系统可用性。

    So we get a conclusion that in our design , automatic fault tolerant function is implemented with low additional overhead , and the availability of HPC systems is remarkably improved .

  16. 在目前的高性能计算系统中,为了弥补单个处理器计算能力的不足,需要将多个处理器互连,进行并行计算,从而提高整个系统的计算能力。

    In the current high-performance computing systems , in order to compensate for the lack of computing power with a single processor , it is needed to interconnect multiple processors for parallel computing , thereby improving the computing power of the overall system .

  17. 高性能集群计算系统的结构与设计探讨

    The High Performance Cluster Computing System of Construction and Function Study

  18. 用微机构建高性能集群计算系统高性能并行集群计算环境的构建与性能测试

    The establishment of parallel systems on microcomputer Construction of High Performance Computer Cluster and its Performance Evaluation

  19. 探讨和考虑最新内存、计算设备、互联设备和子系统如何影响您的可扩展的、以数据为中心的、高性能云计算系统设备。

    Explore and consider how the latest memory , compute , and interconnection devices and subsystems can affect your scalable , data-centric , high-performance cloud computing system design .

  20. 针对这些问题,结合WEBService技术提出了一种应用于高性能计算的网格系统,对该系统的体系结构进行了探讨。

    Combining with the technology of web service , a grid system was proposed which applied to high performance numerical computing and researched the structure of it .

  21. 基于OpenPBS的高性能计算平台计费系统

    Accounting System for High-performance Computing platform Based on Open PBS

  22. 本文提出了一套面向高性能计算的网格系统构架解决方案。

    The paper proposed a solution for the high performance computing grid system .

  23. 高性能计算与集群系统

    High Performance Computing and Cluster System

  24. 地震勘探数据处理高性能计算平台存储系统设计与应用

    Design and application of the memory system for high performance computing platform of seismic exploration data

  25. 本文构建了高性能计算容错不死系统,面向科学计算应用程序,以向用户提供保障服务和优质服务为己任。

    In this paper , we build a high performance computing fault tolerance deathless system , which focuses on the scientific computing application program and provides guarantee service and knight service for users .

  26. 在调查研究的基础上,对地震勘探数据处理高性能计算平台存储系统的设计与应用情况进行了论述。分析了地震资料处理数据的特点及存储形式;

    This paper expatiates the design and application of the memory system of high performance computing platform for seismic exploration data processing , various memory technologies and features , and proposes a frame of the memory system .

  27. 该文建立基于JAVARMI方法的适用于高性能计算的分布式计算系统JDCS。

    This paper con-structs a distributed computing system based on Java RMI suitable for high performance computing .

  28. 论文以某国防预研项目《高性能适应分布实时计算系统技术》为背景,结合了国内外相关技术的前沿发展,深入研究了一种适应的分布资源管理技术的设计思想和实现方法。

    This paper is based on a national defence pre-research project named < > , and provides a design and implementation method of a dynamic adaptive distributed resource management technology .

  29. 随着P2P网络的兴起,构建高扩展、高可靠、高性能的分布式计算系统成为近年来的研究热点。

    With peer-to-peer computing model rising , construct highly scalable , highly reliable , high-performance distributed computing system which research is a hot one in recent years .

  30. 高性能集群是一组相互独立的服务器通过高速网络连接构成的高性能计算系统。

    High performance cluster is a group of single servers that connected together to form a high performance computing system through the high-speed network .