
ɡāo ěr fū qiú ɡǎn
  • golf clubs
  1. 在他退休之际,同事们赠给他一套高尔夫球杆。

    On his retirement , colleagues presented him with a set of golf clubs .

  2. 在上海的一所小学,约400名学生挥舞着高尔夫球杆迈进了春季学期。

    About 400 students at an elementary school in Shanghai began the spring semester by swinging golf clubs .

  3. 开球难度较大时,选一根好使的高尔夫球杆。

    With a difficult tee shot , select a club which will keep you short of the trouble

  4. 大人们也可以分享玩具:旧电脑,高尔夫球杆,CD机或手机等东西,这些在节假日捐赠出去都非常有意义。

    Sharing toys goes for grown-ups as well : Old computers , golf clubs , CD players or cell phones are meaningful holiday donations .

  5. 第二个女人用这些钱买了高尔夫球杆、CD播放器、电视音响送给男人。

    The second one went out and bought new golf clubs , a CD player , a television , and stereo and gives them to the man .

  6. 仅仅在两年以前,在耐克决定进入竟争以前,像Titleist,Callaway和TaylorMade等同类高尔夫球杆独自占有着市场份额。

    Now , just two years ago , the likes of Titleist , Callaway and Taylor Made sat alone on shelves like these before Nike decided to muscle in .

  7. 比如说,来自西雅图的十项全能运动员杰里米•塔伊沃(JeremyTaiwo)就将在10项赛事中换穿八双运动鞋,每双都有不同的功能,就像高尔夫球杆一样。

    Take , for example , Jeremy Taiwo , a decathlete from Seattle who will wear eight pairs of shoes in his 10 events , each with a function as specific as a golf club 's.

  8. 碳纤维高尔夫球杆是体育休闲用品中最重要的项目,2004年生产碳纤维高尔夫球杆约用去2500t碳纤维,占世界碳纤维总消耗量的12.5%左右。

    Use of carbon fiber reinforced composite materials in golf shaft is the most important project in the sporting goods manufacture . It demanded about 2500 tons carbon fibers for producing carbon fiber golf shafts in 2004 , that is 12.5 % of total carbon fiber production in the world .

  9. 他用高尔夫球杆打到一个老乡了。

    He just almost knocked homeboy out with his golf swing .

  10. 给没钱买高尔夫球杆的白人募款吗?

    What 's the charity ? White men without golf clubs ?

  11. 对,嗯,这家伙拿的是高尔夫球杆啊。

    Yeah , well , this guy 's playing golf .

  12. 一套刀叉匙餐具、高尔夫球杆、手用工具

    A set of cutlery , golf clubs , hand tools

  13. 妻子:你也将让她用我的高尔夫球杆吗?

    WOMAN : And would you let her use my golf clubs ?

  14. 哪里可以找(买)到高尔夫球杆?

    Where can I find ( buy ) golf clubs ?

  15. 走我们找找那柄高尔夫球杆

    Come on , let 's find that golf club .

  16. 高尔夫球杆和球随作时代的变迁也变化不断。

    Clubs and balls changed considerably through the ages .

  17. 高尔夫球杆轧机的设计

    Design and Research on Tube Mill for Rolling Golf-Club

  18. 你不会告诉我你那里放的是高尔夫球杆吧?

    Don 't tell me that you 've got golf clubs in there !

  19. 球杆制造商受此鼓励,制作了第一套成套高尔夫球杆。

    Manufacturers were encouraged to produce the first matched sets of golf clubs .

  20. 好的,我正想试试我新买的高尔夫球杆呢?

    Good . I am looking forward to trying my new golf clubs .

  21. 照上述方法做,这个姿势适用于所有的高尔夫球杆。

    Practise this as this is the body posture for all your clubs .

  22. 球杆制造商开始尝试使用铝和玻璃材质制作高尔夫球杆,但仅有极少数成功。

    Golf Club manufacturers began using aluminium and glass fibre with limited success .

  23. 我可以溜进去拿走高尔夫球杆

    I can get in there and I can grab that golf club ..

  24. 伤处和9号高尔夫球杆或沙坑杆相符。

    The injury is consistent with a nine iron or possibly a sand wedge .

  25. 高尔夫球杆能够用租的吗?还是必须用买的?

    Can you rent golf clubs ? Or do you have to buy them ?

  26. 凶器是高尔夫球杆

    The murder weapon was a golf club .

  27. 也许最好给你定做一副高尔夫球杆以适合你的身材和挥击姿式。

    It may be best to have your golf-clubs tailormade to your build and swing .

  28. 这是一支新的耐克高尔夫球杆。

    This is a new Nike club .

  29. 我不知道你对这款高尔夫球杆是否有兴趣。

    I don 't know if you are interested in this style of golf club .

  30. 我必须得进去拿到高尔夫球杆

    I 've got to get in there and I 've got to get that golf club