
  • 网络galway;Wei
  1. 高威是爱尔兰其中一个发展最快的城市,拥有66000人口。

    Galway is one of the fastest growing cities in Ireland with a population of66000 .

  2. 在高威导入工业导向的完整精益生产过程是对提高产能的显著贡献。

    The introduction of an industry-leading lean complete process for manufacturing in Galway is contributing significantly to increased production capabilities .

  3. 爱尔兰国立高威大学(NationalUniversityofIreland,Galway)经济学教授约翰麦克黑尔(JohnMcHale)辩称,在自我存续的偿付危机中,倘若满足若干条件,官方政策能够恢复金融健康。

    John McHale , economics professor at the National University of Ireland , Galway , has argued that official policy can restore financial health in a self-perpetuating solvency crisis , provided a number of conditions are met .

  4. 高威市最热闹的是在七月和八月举行国际知名的艺术节和赛马周的时候。

    Galway comes alive particularly in the months of July and August with its internationally renowned Arts Festival and horse racing festival .

  5. 随着本地经济发展,旅游业和大学教育,高威很快就能成为爱尔兰第三大城市。

    With the growth in the local economy , the tourism sector and third level education , Galway will soon be the third largest city in ireland .

  6. 这位《白宫风云》明星说它一直梦想着在高威的大学度过四个月之后能回到他母亲的家乡去学习。

    The West Wing star said he had lived his dream of returning to his mother 's homeland to study after spending four months at university in Galway .

  7. 随着全球化深入推进,国际危机频频发生,并且以其高威胁性、高扩散性、高紧迫性等特点,对人类社会构成重大安全挑战。

    With the further advance of globalization , the frequent occurrence of international crises featuring by high-threatening , fast proliferating and high urgency challenge the security of human society significantly .

  8. 爱尔兰国立高威大学技术转移办公室拥有一个高效率的团队,领导大学研究进入商业轨道,并管理大学商业创新中心。

    The Technology Transfer Office ( TTO ) is a high performance team that guides breakthrough NUI Galway research to business reality as well as manage the NUI Galway Business Innovation Center .