
ɡāo shì
  • Gao Shi;person of high character and integrity
高士 [gāo shì]
  • [excellent person] 志趣、品行高尚的人;超脱世俗的人,多指隐士

  • 吾闻鲁连先生, 齐国之高士也。--《战国策.赵策》

  1. 第五部分主要记叙了《圣贤高士传赞》对后世的影响。

    The fifth part is about the impact on future generations .

  2. 第三部分大致介绍了《圣贤高士传赞》的著录、版本和体例情况。

    The third part roughly introduces the records , the version and the style description .

  3. 同时,高士也是世界上第二大的拉链制造商。

    At the same time , Goldsmith is also the world 's second largest zipper manufacturer .

  4. 高士拥有专业的生产技术和丰富的客户服务经验是竞争者难以做到的。

    Goldsmith has a professional production technologies and rich customer service experience is difficult to competitors .

  5. 但是高士说他确信坦桑尼亚的老鼠和美国爆发的疾病之间没有联系。(陈穗柳)

    But Cox says he knows of no connection between the rats in Tanzania and the outbreak of disease in the US .

  6. 来自比利时的基斯度.高士也是此计划的参与者,他说:“老鼠体积小,很聪明,学得快,就象完成不断重复的任务,他们有着比狗更灵敏的嗅觉。”

    He said : " Rats are good , clever to learn , small , like performing repeated tasks and have a better sense of smell than dogs . "

  7. 广州高士线业有限公司是高士集团在中国投资的大型合资企业,是高士集团全球主要的产品供应生产基地。

    Coats ( Guangzhou ) Ltd. is a large-scale joint venture invested by Coats group in China and is the main products supply manufacturing base of the Coats group in the world .

  8. 魏晋时期隐逸之风盛行,再加上作者内心对隐士逍遥适性的生存状态的向往,催生了嵇康为历代圣贤高士作传的想法。

    Hermit in Wei-Jin period was in vogue , in addition to the author inner yearning for hermit free and unfettered eligibility existence state , both producing the idea of preaching for former generation sages .

  9. 作为三国时期魏末著名的文学家、思想家,魏晋玄学的代表人物之一,嵇康一生为我们留下了许多有影响力的著作,《圣贤高士传赞》就是其中的一部。

    Other than a famous litterateur and thinker in three kingdoms period , Ji Kang is a representative of Wei-Jin metaphysics , he left many influential works for us , " the sages ' biographies and compliments " is one of them .

  10. 两位文学高士,意识形态的死对头,吸引了数百万观众前来围观这场在当时极不寻常的实验:两个卓逸不群的头脑在直播电视节目上决一死战——一度几乎发展成肉体相搏。

    Literary aristocrats and ideological foes , Vidal and Buckley attracted millions of viewers to what , at the time , was a highly irregular experiment : the spectacle of two brilliant minds slugging it out - once , almost literally - on live television .

  11. 在相同处理条件下,苄嘧磺隆除草剂在土壤中的降解半衰期与土壤的pH值呈正相关,土壤pH值越高,其在士壤中消失的就越慢,半衰期就越长。

    Under the same treatment , the half-life of bensulfuron-methyl herbicide degradation showed significant difference because of different pH values among the soils .

  12. 他的诗,气格高古,为士流所敬慕,而且在当时形成了一种独特的诗风。

    His old style poem , which by the scholars , form a unique prevailing kind of poetry style at that time .