
  • 网络HID;High intensity Discharge
  1. 近年来,从节能和环保的观点出发开发成功许多具有高光效、高显色性、长寿命的新型高压气体放电灯。

    Recently the new HID lamps with higher luminous efficiency , high color rendition and long life are developed successfully from the viewpoint of energy-saving and environmental protection .

  2. LED光源因其节能环保等诸多优点,正在逐步取代白炽灯、荧光灯和高压气体放电灯,成为新一代的照明光源。

    LED becomes the fourth generation of light source replacing incandescent , fluorescent and high intensity discharge lamp step by step , for its outstanding properties , such as energy saving and environment protection .

  3. HID(highintensitydischarge)灯即高压气体放电灯,具有发光效率高、使用寿命长、光输出种类多、色温高等优点是新一代绿色照明的节能电光源。

    HID ( High Intensity Discharge ) lamp has high efficiency , long service time , multiple types of light output , high color temperature , and some other advantages , which is a new generation of green energy-saving light source .

  4. 发光二极管(LightEmittingdiode,LED)具有节能、环保、安全、寿命长等优点,是继白炽灯、荧光灯和高压气体放电灯之后的新一代光源。

    Light Emitting Diode ( LED , for short ) has the advantages of energy-saving , environmental protection , safety and long lifespan . It is a new generation of light source following filament lamp , fluorescent and high-pressure gas discharge lamp .

  5. 为了解决高压气体放电灯(HID)电子镇流器的声学谐振和可靠性问题,提出一种基于400Hz母线的可控的HID镇流器系统。

    To solve the acoustics resonance and low reliability problem in the ballast for high-intensity discharge lamps , a controllable high intensity-discharge lamps ( HID ) ballast system with 400 Hz bus was presented .

  6. 太阳能高压气体放电灯智能控制系统

    Intelligent control system for photovoltaic lighting with high pressure sodium lamps

  7. 为了提高太阳能高压气体放电灯照明效率,延长照明时间,实现智能充放电控制、智能照明控制,提出一种新型太阳能高压气体放电灯照明控制系统。

    An intelligent control system for photovoltaic lighting systems was developed to enhance the photovoltaic lighting system efficiency and prolonging the lighting time through intelligent control .

  8. 高压钠灯这种气体放电灯的发明,完全依赖于一种新材料的发明,这种材料可以不让钠泄漏。

    Development of this discharge lamp waited on the invention of a material which sodium would not corrode .