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gāo wèi
  • high-order;high-order position;altitude;high-ranking position;pride of place
高位 [gāo wèi]
  • (1) [high-ranking position]∶显贵的职位

  • 官居高位

  • (2) [pride of place]∶[肢体]靠上的部位

  • 高位截瘫

高位[gāo wèi]
  1. 8301单片机的P2口用来输出高位地址,其中对输出有效地址无关的口线,通常认为也不能再作一般I/O口线使用。

    Port 2 of Single Chip Microcomputer 8031 is used for the output of high-order address , whereas the lines which are not related to effective address generally cannot be used as universal I / O lines .

  2. 在并行加法中,一个数字位因在该数位上做加法而产生的进位,该进位并被送至下一个高位数位。

    In parallel addition , a carry which is produced in one digit place as a result of addition for that digit place and which is propagated to the next high-order digit place .

  3. 她努力奋斗,逐渐登上公司的高位。

    She gradually fought her way to the top of the company .

  4. 我升到了总经理秘书这一显赫高位。

    I escalated to the dizzy heights of director 's secretary .

  5. 年谋杀案件总数处于该市历史上的第二高位

    the second highest annual murder toll in that city 's history .

  6. 关于身居高位者腐败行为的指控更激起了人们的不满。

    The discontent has been fuelled by allegations of corruption in high places .

  7. 她采访了6名身居高位,并且颇具影响力的女士。

    She interviewed six women who have reached positions of great power and influence

  8. 他们在选举中似乎不愿选身居高位的人。

    They appear to be in a mood to vote against office-holders in the elections .

  9. 长江的水位每年这个时候都处于危险的高位。

    The waters of the Yangtze River are dangerously high for the time of year .

  10. 潮水正处于最高位。

    The tide was at its highest

  11. 传统的草坪已经被低成本梯田所取代,梯田上有个高位水塘和瀑布似的水流。

    The traditional lawn has been replaced by low-cost terracing , with a raised pool and waterfall .

  12. 他们希望看到更多的女性在管理或职业的阶梯上占据高位。

    They want to see more women take their place higher up the corporate or professional ladder .

  13. “身居高位很辛苦,”他说。“在底层更辛苦,”这个亿万富翁机敏地回答道。

    ' It 's tough at the top , ' he said . ' It 's tougher at the bottom , ' riposted the billionaire .

  14. 他谋取高位的野心未能得逞。

    His ambition of getting a higher position was not achieved .

  15. 他在政府身居高位。

    He has a high position in the government .

  16. 他从楼上摔下,造成高位截瘫。

    He fell down the stairs , giving him paraplegia of the upper limbs .

  17. 在明确首次和最大湖泛面基本特征的基础上,重点叙述了层序B的低位、湖侵和高位体系域的近岸水下扇、扇三角洲等沉积体系特征和层序构型主控因素。

    Characteristics of the lowstand , transgressive and highstand system tracts of the sequence B are described particularly .

  18. 我们要使用的例子是在一个高位优先系统上编译PINE。

    The example that caught us was compiling PINE on a big-endian system .

  19. 倒V型后入路手术治疗先天性高位肛门闭锁患儿的护理

    Nursing of children patients with congenital upper-part imperforate anus treated with operation through inverted V-shaped posterior approach

  20. 当股票超过高位时,就会发送一条e-mail消息并会退出脚本。

    When the stock exceeds the high limit , an e-mail alert is sent and the script exits .

  21. EOF分解与Kalman滤波相结合的副高位势场数值预报优化

    Potential height field optimization of numerical forecast products based on EOF and Kalman filter

  22. 方法:通过对190位儿童的颞骨CT影像回顾性分析,将颞骨的正常变异归纳为:①颈静脉球高位;

    Methods : CT imaging of the temporal bones of 190 children was reviewed retrospectively . Results : The normal variations included : ① a high positioned jugular bulb ;

  23. 她最近出版的新书《城市公园:公共空间,个人想法》(CityParks:PublicSpaces,PrivateThoughts)是自己从事志愿活动(尽管是一位身居高位的志愿者)的热情抵达的新顶点。

    Her recently published book , city parks : public spaces , private thoughts , is the culmination of passions she pursued as a volunteer , albeit a high ranking one .

  24. 高位LeFortⅠ型截骨同期牙槽嵴裂植骨矫治唇腭裂术后面中部畸形

    High level Le Fort ⅰ osteotomy and bone grafting for correction of secondary mid-face deformities in cleft patients

  25. HCPT技术治疗直肠高位粘膜肌间脓肿的临床观察

    The Clinical Effective of HCPT Technique on High Rectal Submucous Abscess Treatment

  26. 与此同时,联合国粮农组织(FoodandAgricultureOrganisation)表示,在今年屡创新高后,2008年全球食品价格可能仍将保持高位。

    At the same time , the United Nations ' Food and Agriculture Organisation said global food prices were likely to remain high in 2008 , after record highs this year .

  27. Cs(8S)态的碰撞转移和高位原子态的激发

    Collisional Transfer of the Cs ( 8S ) State and Excitation of High Lying Atomic States

  28. DMAP在高位阻醇酰化反应中的催化活性

    Application of DMAP on the acylation of a high sterically hindered alcohol

  29. 详细叙述了高位数字译码器13位DAC的工作原理,并对可变增益放大器作了理论分析。

    The principle of the most significant bits digital decoder-13 bits DAC is described in detail , and the gain controlled amplifier is theoretically analysed .

  30. 目的:本课题从临床着手,回顾性地分析CD44基因蛋白在高位胆管癌细胞的表达情况;

    Object : We used retrospective analysis of clinical data to investigate the situation of expression of CD44 in human hilar cholangiocarcinoma ( HHC ) .