- 名homoserine

Disruption of hom Gene Encoding for Homoserine Dehydrogenase of Corynebacterium glutamicum
Quorum sensing is defined as the cell density-dependent regulation of gene expression , and the involved system is the quorum sensing system , in which N-acyl homoserine lactone is known as the signal molecules of most gram-negative organisms .
N-acyl homoserine lactones ( AHLs ) as a kind of autoinducers produced by Gram-negative bacteria can regulate some relevant physiological function of bacteria and plant .
AiiA protein , encoded by aiiA gene , can inactivates the AHL signals which regulates in quorum sensing system in bacteria by hydrolyzing its lactone bond so that it can release the disease in plant .
The N-acylhomoserine lactone lactonase ( AHL-Lactonase ) could inactivate AHLs by hydrolyzing the lactone bond to produce corresponding N-acyl homoserines , then blocking the quorum sensing system and attenuating pathogen 's virulence .
Prokaryotic Expression , Purification of Recombinant AHL-lactonase Protein and Study on It 's Characteristics
Study on the Preparation of D-Asparagine and D-Homoserine
The three dimensional structure of homoserine transsuccinylase from Escherichia coli ( EcHTS ) was modeled by using homology and molecular dynamics methods .
Signal transmission can be quenched by inhibition of N-acyl-homoserine-lactone , leading to breaking the initial of pathogenic genes transcription and the expression of virulence .
Generation of Transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana Expressing an N-acylhomoserine Lactonase Gene and Analysis of Their Resistance to Soft Rot Disease Screening and dissection of Fusarium wilt resistant cabbage germplasm
Through the analysis of their structure and expression patterns , the two protease inhibitors are presumed to play a role in protection silk proteins from degradation .
Tissue-specific and High-level Expression of Silk Gland Serine Protease Inhibitors in the Silkworm , Bombyx Mori