  • tall;high;above the average;of a high level or degree
  • height;altitude
  • 由下到上距离大的,与“低”相对:~峰。~空。~踞。~原。~耸。~山流水(喻知己、知音或乐曲高妙)。~屋建瓴(形容居高临下的形势)。~瞻远瞩。

  • 高度:他身~一米八。

  • 等级在上的:~级。~考。

  • 在一般标准或平均程度之上:~质量。~消费。~价。~档。~手。~能物理。

  • 声音响亮:引吭~歌。

  • 敬辞,称别人的事物:~见。~就。~论。~寿。~堂。~徒。

  • 热烈、盛大:~昂。兴~采烈。

  • 显贵,道德水平高:崇~。清~。~风亮节。~尚。~雅。~洁。

  • 宗族中最在上之称:~祖。

  • 酸根或化合物中比标准酸根多含一个氧原子的:~锰酸钾。

  • 姓。


(从下向上距离大; 离地面远) tall; high:

  • 高山

    high mountains;

  • 高高的烟囱

    a tall chimney;

  • 她和她母亲一样高。

    She is as tall as her mother.

  • 太阳已经很高了。

    The sun was already high.


(在一般标准或平均程度之上; 等级在上的) above the average; of a high level or degree:

  • 体温高

    run a temperature;

  • 技高一筹

    more skillful than others;

  • 高标准

    higher standard;

  • 高风格

    fine style;

  • 高难度动作

    exceedingly difficult movements; operations of extraordinary difficulty;

  • 高年级

    higher [senior] grades;

  • 这主意真高!

    What a brilliant idea!


(声音大的) loud:

  • 嗓门儿高

    have a loud voice; high-pitched;

  • 高喊

    shout loudly; raise a cry


(超过实际价值或市场价格的) high-priced; dear; expensive; fancy:

  • 要价太高

    ask too high a price;

  • 本周肉类售价很高。

    Meat is bringing a high price this week.

  • 那儿的物价高得令人难以置信。

    Prices there are incredibly high.


[敬] (称别人的事物) your:

  • 高见

    your opinion


(高度) height; altitude:

  • 坝高50米。

    The dam is 50 metres in height.

  • 山高1500米。

    The mountain has an altitude of 1,500 metres.


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 高则诚

    Gao Zecheng

  1. 他手挽着一个高个子金发女郎走了进来。

    He walked in with a tall blonde on his arm .

  2. 一道道阳光从高高的狭窄窗口斜射下来。

    Bars of sunlight slanted down from the tall narrow windows .

  3. 新型塑料能承受很高和很低的温度。

    Modern plastics can stand very high and very low temperatures .

  4. 演奏这一段音乐需要有很高的技艺。

    It is a technically demanding piece of music to play .

  5. 要求他辞职的呼声越来越高。

    There was a groundswell of opinion that he should resign .

  6. 它比我预计的消费高了一点。

    It costs a bit more than I wanted to spend .

  7. 好的方面是职员的工作热忱都很高。

    On the plus side , all the staff are enthusiastic .

  8. 用长柄大剪刀修剪高树篱。

    Use shears with a long reach for cutting high hedges .

  9. 这家旅馆提供高标准的舒适享受和优质服务。

    The hotel offers a high standard of comfort and service .

  10. 这个国家的人民享有很高的生活水平。

    People in this country enjoy a high standard of living .

  11. 这些课是针对高年级学生的需要开设的。

    The classes are keyed to the needs of advanced students .

  12. 你在价钱高的时候出售,真明智。

    You did well to sell when the price was high .

  13. 它的价值比我原先想的高多了。

    It 's worth a damn sight more than I thought .

  14. 价格高是使潜在买主却步的主要因素。

    The high price is a major hindrance to potential buyers .

  15. 很抱歉,另一家公司出价比你们高。

    I 'm afraid the other company has topped your offer .

  16. 城堡坐落在高高的悬崖,十分壮观。

    The castle is magnificently sited high up on a cliff .

  17. 红葡萄酒发酵的温度比白葡萄酒高。

    Red wine is fermented at a higher temperature than white .

  18. 我们的买主对工艺和材料坚持要高标准。

    Our buyers insist on high standards of workmanship and materials .

  19. 我们所掌握的资源本来可以利用得更好,获得更高的效益。

    The resources at our disposal could have been better utilized .

  20. 五岁儿童牙齿不健康的比例高。

    A high proportion of five-year-olds have teeth in poor condition .

  21. 随着他推她,她在秋千上越荡越高。

    As he pushed her , she swung higher and higher .

  22. 测试显示水中污染物质的含量很高。

    Tests have shown high levels of pollutants in the water .

  23. 账单上的费用似乎太高了,我们对此表示怀疑。

    We queried the bill as it seemed far too high .

  24. 政府的效率比我们所惯常以为的要高。

    The government is more effective than we incline to think .

  25. 老板对她评价很高。

    The boss has a very high opinion of her .

  26. 我比她高,是吧?

    I 'm taller than her , aren 't I ?

  27. 数字电视图像的清晰度很高。

    The definition of the digital TV pictures is excellent .

  28. 预计今年的价格将涨得更高。

    Prices are expected to rise even higher this year .

  29. 她的社会地位比他高了好几等。

    She was a few rungs above him on the social ladder .

  30. 他是个个子高而笨拙的18岁小伙子。

    He was a tall , ungainly boy of 18 .