
ɡǔ suǐ yí zhí
  • bone marrow transplantation
  1. 全世界有2,000名儿童需要骨髓移植。

    There are 2,000 children worldwide who need a bone marrow transplant .

  2. 骨髓移植术后肺部并发症的CT表现

    The CT manifestations of pulmonary complications after bone marrow transplantation

  3. 定量PCR监测骨髓移植患者人巨细胞病毒感染

    Monitoring the Human Cytomegalovirus Infection in Bone Marrow Transplant Recipients by Quantitative PCR

  4. 半重叠PCR检测急性淋巴细胞白血病骨髓移植后残留白血病的临床意义

    The clinical significance of semi-nested PCR in detecting minimal residual disease after ALL bone marrow transplantation

  5. PCR指纹法及PCR/SSO技术用于骨髓移植供者选择的比较研究

    Pcr / finger printing and pcr / ssop for selection of HLA matched bone marrow donors

  6. 2例接受HLA全相合的非血缘供者骨髓移植。

    Patients received bone marrow transplantation ( BMT ) from identical unrelated donors .

  7. 骨髓移植患者的HLA分型研究

    Study of HLA typing in bone marrow transplantation

  8. 同种异体骨髓移植后呈免疫抑制状态的患者患线性IgA皮肤病

    Linear IgA dermatosis in an immunosuppressed patient after allogenic bone marrow transplantation

  9. HLA-A、B、C基因第二外显子的单链构象多态性分析及骨髓移植受供者基因配型

    PCR-SSCP Analysis of Exon 2 of HLA-A , B and C Genes and Matching for Bone Marrow Donor-Recipient Pairs

  10. 目的:研究免疫治疗用于治疗及预防骨髓移植(bonemarrowtransplantation,BMT)后的白血病复发。

    Objective : To study immunotherapy for leukemia relapse and prophylaxis after bone marrow transplantation ( BMT ) .

  11. HLA部分相合父母供髓骨髓移植二次治疗重型地中海贫血

    Second transplantation using allogeneic bone marrow from parents for beta-thalassaemia major patients after graft failure

  12. 血液透析及骨髓移植患者TT病毒感染情况分析

    Analysis of TTV infection in patients of hemodialysis and bone marrow transplantation

  13. 供者NK细胞诱导小鼠MHC半相合骨髓移植的免疫耐受

    Immune tolerance induced by donor-derived NK cells of MHC haplotype-mismatched BMT in mice

  14. 异基因骨髓移植中供者TNFα-308(G/A)基因型与受者急性移植物抗宿主病的关系

    The relationship between donor TNF α - 308 ( G / A ) genotype and recipient acute GVHD in allo-BMT

  15. HLA不相合骨髓移植术后出血性膀胱炎的观察和护理

    Observation and nursing care of patients with hemorrhagic cystitis after underwent HLA non-matched fully bone marrow transplantation

  16. 不同类型急性白血病用MAC方案预处理自体骨髓移植疗效的比较研究

    Investigation of the therapeutic efficacy of autologous bone marrow transplantation conditioned with MAC preparative regimen for acute leukemias

  17. NK细胞对小鼠异基因骨髓移植造血及免疫重建的影响

    Effect of natural killer cell on hematopoiesis and immunity recovery in mouse allogeneic bone marrow transplantation

  18. 实验对~(60)Coγ线致死量照射骨髓移植小鼠的放射性白内障发展过程进行观察。

    The development of mice cataract after ~ ( 60 ) Co γ - ray le-thal dose irradiation and bone marrow transplantation was observed .

  19. 目的研究骨髓移植后,患肝硬化SD大鼠的肝功能的缓解情况。

    Objective To study the liver function of the SD rats which were ill with hepatocirrhosis after bone marrow transplant .

  20. 自体混合HLA半相合异基因骨髓移植后的移植物抗宿主病

    Graft-versus-host Disease in Patients of Malignant Blood Diseases Treated by Autologous Mixed with HLA Haploidentical Matched Allogeneic Marrow Transplantation

  21. HLA类基因PCR-SSP分型技术在骨髓移植配型中的应用

    HLA - ⅱ genotyping by PCR-SSP technique in application of bone marron transplantation

  22. ABO血型不合骨髓移植4例报告

    Allogeneic Bone Marrow Transplantation with ABO Blood Group Incompatibility in Remission Patients with Leukemia

  23. HLA基因位点全相合和1~2个位点不合无血缘关系异基因骨髓移植的临床疗效比较

    A comparison of clinical outcomes between HLA allele matched and 1 ~ 2 alleles mismatched unrelated allogeneic bone marrow transplantations

  24. STR多态性在骨髓移植监测中的初步研究

    A preliminary study of chimerism with short tandem repeats after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation

  25. 异体骨髓移植术后急性GVHD患者的护理

    Nursing Care of Patients with Acute GVHD after Heterogeneous Transplantation of Bone Marrow

  26. ABO血型不合的异基因骨髓移植

    ABO incompatible allogeneic bone marrow transplantation

  27. 方法:建立大鼠同种异基因骨髓移植模型,以清洁级Wistar大鼠为供鼠,清洁级SD大鼠为受鼠。

    METHODs : Our experiment established a rat allogeneic transplanta - tion model , donors were Wistar rats , recipients were SD rats .

  28. 结论VEGF基因体内高效表达可以加快全身照射引起的骨髓移植小鼠骨髓微血管损伤的修复,重塑微血管结构,促进骨髓造血功能的重建。

    Conclusion The expression of hVEGF_165 promotes the repairing of TBI-induced damage and the remodeling of bone marrow microvasculature , the resulting in rapid hematopoietic reconstruction .

  29. 抗CD25抗体预防移植物抗宿主病在儿童白血病半匹配骨髓移植中的应用

    CD25 monoclonal antibody for GVHD prophylaxis in non-T-cell depleted haploidentical bone marrow transplantation for treatment of children leukemia

  30. IL-2/同种异体LAK细胞疗法用于自体骨髓移植后治疗急性白血病5例

    Il-2 / allo-lak cells infusion after autologous bone marrow transplantation in treatment of 5 cases of acute leukemia