
  • Fracture;hairline fracture;fracturing a bone
  1. 他右手食指骨裂。

    He suffered a hairline fracture of the right index finger .

  2. 斯莱姆相信,正是这个骨裂导致了这位年幼国王的夭折。

    Selim believes the fracture could have led to the boy king 's untimely death .

  3. 2009年5月,当姚明在季后赛里骨裂后,其父母非常担心儿子的状况,不愿他尝试再次回到NBA赛场。

    Yao 's parents were concerned enough about his welfare that they did not want him to attempt a return to the NBA after the broken bone in his foot that was suffered in the playoffs of May2009 .

  4. 文中报道了TIG焊接铁镍基合金鱼骨裂纹试样的焊缝弧坑裂纹及其二次裂纹断口扫描电镜观察的结果。

    Solidification structure of the welding arc crater , fracture of crater cracks and their secondary cracks and fracture appearance of the solidification cracks in the crater studied by the scanning electron microscope are reported in this paper .

  5. 除了忘记提他父亲有过胫骨骨裂。

    Besides forgetting to mention his dad 's Shin splits .

  6. 他严重受挫,头部骨裂。

    He was beaten badly , head traum broken pelvis .

  7. 她手臂有一处骨裂。

    She has cracked a bone in her arm .

  8. 他的手臂有一处骨裂。

    He has cracked a bone in his arm .

  9. 我的父母坐在观众席上,听到了咔嚓咔嚓两声骨裂。

    My parents , who sat in the stands , heard two pops .

  10. 摘要先天性舟状骨裂是很罕见的病例。

    Congenital bipartite scaphoid is a very rare condition .

  11. 脑震荡两根肋骨骨裂

    He sustained a concussion , two cracked ribs ,

  12. 让我看看,有一点骨裂。(外七区管国平)

    I 'll just take a look at it . There 's a hairline fracture .

  13. 只是这儿,你看,有点小问题。有一点骨裂。

    Everything is all right , except here , see it There 's a hairline fracture .

  14. 吉格斯加入了曼联长长的一线队伤病明星名单中,其中还包括骨裂的队友罗伊.基恩。

    Giggs joins a host of first-team stars on the sidelines , including fellow fractured bone victim Roy Keane .

  15. 费城76队全明星中锋“大帝”恩比德因3月28日遭遇眼眶骨裂已经缺席了近三周的比赛。

    Philadelphia 76ers All-Star center Joel Embiid had missed the past three weeks because of an orbital bone fracture on March 28 .

  16. 低的雌性激素水平可导致骨质疏松,这种疾病导致骨骼变脆,更容易骨折和骨裂。

    And lower estrogen levels can lead to osteoporosis , a disease in which your bones become brittle and more likely to break .

  17. 1例二头肋骨和肋骨骨瘤,3例骶骨裂,2例腰椎体骨瘤和1例强直性脊椎炎被首次发现。

    I bicipital rib bone and costal osteoma , 3 sacral fissure , 2 lumbal body osteoma and I ankylosing spondylitis were first Report in the Archaeological study .

  18. 巴西队队医表示,内马尔在今天的比赛中被哥伦比亚球员用膝盖顶到腰部导致椎骨骨裂。

    The team 's doctor said he had a fractured vertebrae after he was kneed in the lower back by a Colombian player late in today 's game .

  19. 她解释说,詹姆士除了肘部与膝盖骨发生过骨裂以及肋骨粉碎性骨折外,全身所有胳膊腿都已骨折过很多回了。

    James , she explains , has broken all four limbs many times in the past , as well as ripping a bone from his elbow and knees and smashing his ribs .

  20. 看上去没什么问题,不过你看这里,这儿有一处骨裂,尽管不太严重,你还是要尽量卧床休息。

    Everything looks OK , except you can see here , there 's a hairline fracture . It 's not very serious , but you should rest in bed as much as possible .

  21. 并发症包括股骨干骨折2例,其中1例为股骨柄尖端处无移位骨裂,1例为股骨假体柄远端穿出股骨皮质,术后脱位1例。

    Complications were consisted of femoral shaft fracture in two cases ( one undisplaced distal femur fracture and one cortical perforation at the tip of the prosthesis ) and postoperative dislocation in one .

  22. 当时我一到学校,我的宿舍就着火了,我从窗户跳了出去。这一跳导致我头骨骨裂还有脑震荡,现在已经基本上好了。

    The skull fracture and the concussion I got when I jumped out the window of my dormitory when it caught on fire shortly after my arrival here is pretty well healed now .

  23. 可以说,在这两起事故中,内马尔椎骨骨裂在媒体上引发的痛苦之情,远甚于夺走两名巴西人生命的豆腐渣工程。

    It is fair to say that , of the two incidents , Neymar 's fractured vertebrae has attracted far more media anguish than the shoddy workmanship that cost the lives of two of his fellow-citizens .